Saturday, September 1, 2012

Living in Perfect Peace

Read: Proverbs 3:5-6

“He trusts in the Lord; let the Lord rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him." - Psalm 22:8

Many of us are so hurt by our past that we are afraid of our future. We are so full of fear and worry that we hold our breath and hyperventilate most of the time, wondering when the next calamity will hit us. People often function in the present moment on automatic pilot, while our thoughts are either on the past or the future. The past is over and forgiven; therefore, dwelling on it only hinders the present.  We are not promised a future; so, worry about the future is also futile. God only gives us grace to face today (Matthew 6:31-24).

Jesus told us to take no thought for tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). We can plan as God gives us direction. Otherwise, imagining what the future holds only increases our tendency to worry, because we think too far ahead. We do not have God’s grace to face the future until it is today (Matthew 6:34). It is through this attentiveness to what is actually going on around us that we become completely aware of His presence and fully alive. We also become more effective in ministry, because we are in tune with God’s Spirit moment by moment.

If you feel any anxiety, you can be sure that you are worrying instead of focusing on God. He warned us that today’s trouble are sufficient for us to solve (Matthew 6:34). So, cast all your fears and anxiety on Him, because He cares about us (1 Peter 5:7). As we trust in the Lord with all our soul, our mind is not divided between faith and fear. If we do not lean on our own human understanding, and if we acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He promises to direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

As we dwell in the moment, we become conscious of our union with God through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit. His awesome presence permeates our being as we learn to live consciously by faith in His love. As we give our prayerful attention to the moment as God gives it to us to enjoy, we are aware of God’s presence in our lives and we follow the leading of His Holy Spirit moment by moment throughout the day.

That is why a daily quiet time of praise, devotion, and meditation on God’s Word is so important. As we emerge from our quiet time in His presence, we will radiate joy, and walk in a calm peace in the midst of all of life’s difficulties. If God wants you to plan ahead, He will put ideas in your mind as He wants you to be aware of them. Write notes as He bring things to your mind. Soon you will have a list of what to do and when to do it.

God keeps us in perfect peace, as we keep our mind focused on Him and trust in Him (Isaiah 26: 3). We do not need to worry about anything when we give everything over to God in prayer. The loving presence of God within you is closer to you than you are to your own self. God knew us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter1:20; Jeremiah 1:5). He knew us as He formed us in our mother’s womb. He has a perfect plan for our lives. Only as we dwell in His will can we be truly happy and fulfilled.

No person, place, thing, or experience can match the level of intimacy that we have possible with Christ within us, because "Christ within us is our hope of glory" (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27). No human relationship can come from within us. Only our relationship with the Lord of life, living and dwelling inside of us, can bring this level of fulfillment. The only way we will know what God wants us to do is to listen. When we do take the time to listen, God meets us in all of His glory! As we sit in silence, with no inner or outer distractions, we reach a new level of awareness and a place of inner tranquility. We empty ourselves of our carnal flesh and focus solely on the voice of our Beloved God.

Living in this present moment gives us a break from our racing thoughts and chaotic minds. It allows us to appreciate God’s gifts to us for today. It is a good break from problem-solving and thinking about the future. We only have to deal with what is facing us at this current moment. God keeps us in perfect peace, when we keep our mind focused on Him and trust in Him (Isaiah 26: 3). As we cast our cares on the Lord, He sustains us; He will never let the righteous fail (Psalm 55:22).

Serenity comes as we are fully present in the moment and as we observe just what is in front of us. God exhorts us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by the power of prayer along with an attitude of gratitude, we can present our requests to God. As we commit to the Lord everything that He leads us to do, we will certainly succeed (Proverbs 16:3).

Once we completely surrender all our cares on Him, His peace, which passes all human understanding, keeps our hearts and minds stable through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:5-7). This may sound simplistic, but too often people tend to over-analyze and over-think things, which causes anxiety. If we focus on tomorrow, we will miss the beauty of what God gives us today. The trauma of the past and the fear of the future have no place in the present moment. Once God heals our soul, we do not feel shame for the past and we have few worries about the future. We are safe and secure in the arms of God in this present moment, even if the circumstances around us are full of turmoil and conflict.

Lord Jesus, our relationship with You gives us peace like no earthly bond can offer. When worldly hostility bombards us, our hearts are tempted to faint within us. Yet, only in the still, small place within, where we fellowship with You, can we find true empathy and solace from the God who loves us more than He loves Himself. We bask in the rays of Your comfort and direction. When we go out into the life to which You called us, we have renewed power to meet the needs of those You send our way. We can forgive, nurture, empathize, and "wait on tables"– minister to others in Your name.

Thought for the Day;
If we fail to spend time with God in the quiet moments, we will never be aware of Him in the midst of the chaos around us.

Thank you, Sarah Patterson, for the use of your photo.