Friday, May 3, 2013

Baby Steps

The sad state of affairs in this world is that most people focus their attention more on their own ability to solve issues and their own talent to obtain riches rather on following God’s Spirit throughout their day (Galatians 5:16, 25). They fill their soul so full of carnality and self-effort that there is no room for Christ. They prefer to find enjoyment in carnal pursuits rather than in Christ. They end up leading discontented lives in the degradation of sin, and they are doomed to reap the curse of their own decisions and actions both now and in eternity.

When we repent of our sins and are baptized in the name of Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit as a gift from God (Acts 2:38). We are sealed with the Spirit as a down payment of our inheritance with Christ (Ephesians 1:13). There are some Believers in Christ who never pay attention to God’s presence within them. They suppress the expression of Christ in their life. Possibly, they worship with Believers on Sunday, and maybe even on Wednesday night, but they ignore Christ the rest of the week.

Still other people strive to keep every word of the law in order to gain God’s favor. They forget that God’s love is a free gift (John 3:16; Romans 6:23). God gives Born Again Believers the ability to walk in union with Christ as He transforms our life one baby step at a time (John 14: 16,20,23). Since we are rooted deeply and grounded securely in Him, we personally experience the breadth, length, height and depth of God’s love for us (John 3:16; Ephesians 3:17-18, Amplified Bible).

Our intimate relationship with Christ starts when we, by faith, invite Him to make His permanent home in our spirit. His presence renovates our soul – our mind, will and emotions; the center of our inner man. Christ gives us fortitude of character. Then He fills us through our entire being with all of His fullness. We receive the richest measure of His divine presence within us, until our body, soul and spirit are entirely filled and flooded with the power of God. We come to know Christ in a practical way, through our daily experience in prayer, Bible study, service and devotion (Ephesians 3:16-19, Amplified Bible).

We come to love God, because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). We repent of our willful sin and ask the God of the universe to dwell within us. We find our true self-worth and identity through our relationship with Christ. We are strengthened and reinforced with His mighty power in our inner man by the Holy Spirit Himself. He dwells in our spirit, and permeates our body and soul as well (Ephesians 3:16, Amplified Bible). Aspects of life, which formerly crippled our soul or tempted us away from the straight and narrow road (Matthew 7:13-14), no longer have any affect on us, because we maintain our faith in His faithfulness.

Lord Jesus, trials and temptations serve to strengthen our relationship with You. You allow them into our life in order to reveal to us our true nature and areas in our life, which displease You. All of our self-will, rebellion, unfaithfulness and unfruitfulness are slowly pruned away by Your Spirit’s gentle touch.  May we fully experience the complete dimension of Your divine love for us. It is so utterly supernatural that we often fail to recognize it. We think of Your love in humanistic terms and miss the little things You do for us each and every day.

Thought for the Day:
In our weakness, we depend upon God’s strength.