Friday, May 10, 2013

Assume the Position

Focus On Our Light

God made sure to provide us with many Biblical examples to follow. Jesus came down from heaven, not to do His own will or to seek His own glory, but to follow only our Father’s will for His life (John 6:38; 8:50). He did not do or speak anything by His own effort, but only as our Father instructed Him (John 8:28-29). He willingly laid down His human will and lived to please our Father. God wants us to adopt the same mindset as Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:1-11). He laid down His glory and came to serve at our Father’s pleasure, even to the point of death (Philippians 2:5-8).

Another instance is our dear brother, Job. He lost every one and every thing that was dear to his heart. He ended up in an ash heap with boils and ill health, but he would not curse the Lord and die (Job 2:9). In His graciousness, God gave Job abundantly more than he ever had before his trials began (Job 42:10). Just like Jesus, Job reaped the blessings of God in return for submission to God’s will, and so will we (Philippians 2:9).

Stephen, a man full of God’s grace, wisdom and power performed many signs and wonders during his service to God (Acts 6:8,10). During his trial, his face shone like an angel with the peace of God (Acts 6:15). Even while threatened with death, Stephen preached his finest sermon. As he kept his focus on Jesus, the heavens opened up before Him and He viewed the scene in Heaven as he slipped from his earthly existence into eternity (Acts 7:1-60).

Paul lived his life dedicated to the Jewish religion, rising to the top with his self-efforts. He persecuted the followers of Christ with a vengeance. Then, he encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus and formed a union that gave him courage to face future deprivation and persecution with joy (Acts 9:4; Philippians 4:4). He surrendered everything to gain a deeper walk with Christ (Philippians 3:8). James must have had this same experience, because He advised us to count it all joy when we experience negative circumstances in our life (James 1:2).

Life is not about you! It is not about me either. Life is all about the will of our compassionate Father for each of us. In our stubborn, self-centered efforts to live our life, God allows us to go our own way, waiting patiently for us to exhaust our resources and fail in devastation. This is when, like Stephen, we finally look up from our pit of doom into His glorious face. Once we completely surrender to Christ in us, God shows us great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3) and fills us with His peace and joy (Romans 15:13).

We are all called us to assume the position of a helpless child, living in the nurture and with the direction of our benevolent Father (Matthew 18:3). Pursuing our earthly dreams and goals will never bring us true happiness. A surrendered life brings contentment to the inner core of our soul and to the depths of our heart, regardless of the circumstances in our life (1 Timothy 6:6, 8; 2 Corinthians 4:17). As we follow the will of God moment by moment throughout our day, He fills us with His peace and His Spirit until we glow with the face of an angel like Stephen, we enjoy material blessings like Job, we have an effective ministry like Paul and we live in the anointing of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, You lived a surrendered life to the will of our Father, giving us Your example to follow. Help us to shed the burdens of this world and to walk in Your freedom now and in eternity. Use us as instruments to shed Your peace abroad in the earth as we share Your gospel with those humble enough to receive You into their hearts.

Thought for the Day:
Constant denial of God’s call on our life will harden our heart and cause us to walk away from His Truth.


Thank you, Michael D. Perkins, for the use of your photo.