Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God's Little Love Letters

God tells us in innumerable, specific ways throughout the day that He loves us as His special children. He uses different signs and symbols that speak to the individual’s heart. For instance:

    • God used butterflies to signal his love to my friend Ginny. They appeared during every milestone of her battle with cancer.
    • Teresa felt God’s love whenever she found a heart-shaped stone or shell.
    • Larry said that every time he noticed one of his shoestrings untied, it was God’s way of saying He was watching out and protecting him.
    • Peter said that lightning demonstrated to him that God was giving him divine power to preach his sermon.
    • When they find a penny on the ground, some people say it reminds them that God is their provider and in Him they put their trust.
    • Becky felt God’s special love for her when she saw a male Cardinal in her window, or staring at her from a tree branch as she approached the tree. It’s vibrant color and distinctive melody warmed her heart and she felt the arms of God giving her a cherishing hug.
    • One day as I waited for the shower water to warm up, a thin sheen of water covered the shower floor except for one spot. For no scientific rhyme or reason, that spot was in the perfect shape of a heart. It remained dry until the water was warm enough for me to get in, and then it slowly filled with water as well.
    • A sunrise or sunset is very meaningful when we realize that God is giving us a new day. Then we realize He was protecting and providing for us all day as the sun sets again that night.
    • A rainbow is a sign of God’s love, mercy and safety to many Christians.
    • When I go out to walk the dog and Orion’s Belt is centered above me in the night sky, I am reminded that our mighty Savior is watching over and protecting us.
    • As I walked across the parking lot at First Baptist, a perfectly shaped heart leaf blew across my path and settled at my feet. I grinned from ear to ear and felt God's love pouring over me like waterfall. As I bent down to pick it up, a wind gust blew it from my grasp. I heard the Lord's gentle reprimand..."No, my child, I want to bless others with this leaf as well."
    Coincidence? A skeptic might think so; but a Believer sees the hand of God in all the little things He does for us each day.

Numbers not only have mathematical significance, but each one is a symbol with a meaning. For instance,

One = unity with God
Two = confirmation/witness, support
Three = completion
Four = relating to flesh/earth
Five = grace
Six = mankind
Seven = perfection
Eight = a new beginning
Nine = Fullness of blessing
Ten = Human government/laws; etc.

Most of the time I could not care less what time it is. For the most part, the minutes of my day are scheduled out for me. Therefore, when the Spirit directs me to look at the clock, God often uses the arrangement of the numbers to leave little love letter for me. I know it is God, because if I glance at the clock a minute before or after He directs me to do so, the numbers would be different. It is amazing how often during the week He uses one of these combinations to speak to my heart.

1:11 = is three one’s = complete unity with God.
2:22 = is three two’s = complete confirmation/ support.
2:55 = is one 2, and two five’s = confirmation of grace.
3:33 = is three three’s = total completion (Colossians 2:10).
5:55 = is three five’s = complete grace.
God uses all sorts of combinations to leave little love notes for me.

What does God use to show you His special favor and love? Maybe you never took the time to notice. Maybe you noticed, but did not understand why it was significant. Pay attention from now on and watch for God’s little love notes to you throughout the day. If you get a chance, send me an email and share with me about your little love letter from God. God bless you now and always, kat


Thank you, "God Still Performs Miracles Everyday", for the use of your photo.