Sunday, May 19, 2013

Exposing the Devil

God gave us five senses to filter information from the world around us and to process it in our mind. What we see, hear, smell, taste and feel turns into thoughts. Our thoughts are powerful. They can build up or destroy (Proverbs 18:21). They occupy both the right and left lobes of our brain. Most of them are stored for our whole lifetime in our subconscious mind. They create pictures that make a lasting impression on our mind and influence our outlook and choices in life. That is why God wants us to bring all of our thoughts under the Lordship of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Satan wages war on the battleground of our mind. We can ask God to expose Satan’s deceptive thoughts and to replace them with His truth. We spend time reading God’s Word so we can combat Satan with it like Jesus did (Matthew 4:4). It takes three weeks to change a habit, so start submitting your thoughts to God today. Our thoughts only have as much influence over us as we permit them to have. As we submit to the Holy Spirit, He helps us to make Godly choices. We live a life of praise by reading and believing God’s Word and by entering into private and corporate worship and prayer.

The Israelites gave us an example of the way to live our life. They followed the leading of the cloud, which shaded the burning sun by day; and the pillar of fire, which lit and warmed the desert night. When the Lord commanded them to do so, they camped; and when He commanded, they moved (Numbers 9:22-23). None of the tribes deviated from this pattern for a whole generation. This had to be nerve-wracking. They never knew how long they would stay in one place; yet they conformed to the will of the Lord.

Although, they failed to walk in trust and obedience prior to their forty-year trek in the desert, they soon developed a dependence upon the Lord. They learned the hard way to trust Him and they obeyed Him one step at a time. He miraculously gave them a wealth of riches from Egypt when they left, quail and manna to eat, water from a rock and their shoes and clothing never wore out. This same Heavenly Father who provided for and protected the Israelite nation will also guide us by His Spirit as we too learn to trust and obey only Him.

We determine our eternal destiny by the simple act of belief or unbelief (John 3:16-18). Our unbelief condemns us to hell with Satan. Our belief accesses the Salvation made possible by Jesus on the cross. God takes our heart of stone, and gives us a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). He writes His laws upon our heart, so that we obey Him from a changed nature (Hebrews 8:10). If we wisely choose to believe, we are saved from sin, delivered from condemnation, resurrected from spiritual death, sanctified until purified, and eventually at Christ’s return, glorified in body, soul and spirit.

Lord Jesus, You made Yourself of no reputation, even though You shared in God’s very nature (Philippians 2:6-7). Now, You give us Your nature (2 Corinthians 5:17). You inspire us to dedicate our whole life to You (2 Corinthians 12:15). You empower us to turn away from the lusts of the eye and flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Faith without Godly works is dead (James 2:14-26). We believe and obey You; otherwise, our efforts in life result in nothing more than dead works. Dead works prove that we merely believed in a philosophy of life, instead of making a life-changing commitment to You.

Thought for the Day:
As we trust in God, He leads us by His Spirit to obey His truth and His commandments moment by moment throughout the day. - Ezekiel 36:27