Monday, May 6, 2013

Dynamite Power

Photo: The Father Says Today:

The Father says today that you are breaking out of the containment of the enemy. The enemy of My promise in your life has attempted to contain you in borders he could control. You see says the Father the enemy couldn't destroy you so he conspired to limit you. But the enemy cannot limit you for I am in you and because I am limitless even so you are without limits. I can do anything I want any time I want and I don't have to check with anyone so likewise I don't require you to check with the arbiters of unbelief before you decide to walk on water.
Illegitimate authority will not hold you any longer. They presented their credentials and asserted their superiority but who are they anyway? Your calling comes from My hand and your authority arises from the mantle that I have placed upon you. I will take you from the company of the small minded and connect you with MANTLED men and women who will release and strengthen you not hinder or diminish you. This is the hour of launching and increase says the Father. Step into the increase I have provisioned you with even this day.

The word “dunimis”, pronounced “doo’-nam-is”, is the root for our word “dynamite”. It means to have the power residing within, by virtue of its nature. It allows a person or thing to put forth this dynamite power for performing spectacular events. This is the same word used to describe the power by which Jesus raised Himself from the dead. Jesus claimed that no one could take His life from Him and only He had the “dunimis” power to raise it up again (John 10:18).

Once we come to Christ through salvation, all of this “dunimis” power is also resident within us. It is equal to a zillion fireworks going off inside of us at one time. Christ’s light shines in our hearts. We radiate Christ to the world in the same way that a light bulb radiates light. The light does not come from the bulb, but from the electricity flowing to the bulb. The power in us does not come from us, but from God’s “dunimis” power working in us and lighting up our world through us.

We contain Christ in the same way that a glass contains water. The container is not the object of focus, the water is. We usually do not pick up a glass to admire it, but to drink from it. Although we are simple “clay jars”, made from the dust of the earth, we contain God’s greatest treasure, Jesus Christ, who actually lives within every Born Again Believer (Colossians 1:27). Satan wants us to focus on our failings, and he tries to make us feel like failures. However, if Christ is in us, although our body is dead in sin, God’s Spirit gives us life (Romans 8:10). God fills us with His Spirit to sanctify us and to complete us in Christ (1 Corinthians 6:11; Colossians 2:10).

When we recognize the truth that we are dead and our life is hidden with Christ in God, we step aside and allow Christ to live through us (Colossians 3:3; Galatians 2:20). Our light will shine so brightly that people will see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). We are so united with Christ that His thoughts fill our mind, His wisdom directs our steps, His life flows through us like a river and His love radiates in us and from us (Philippians 2:5; James 1:5; John 7:38; Isaiah 58:11). We do not focus on the mundane activities of life. We keep our mind on Christ and live in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).

There is a balance between living in the flesh and living in the Spirit. The key is to walk in the Spirit 24/7. That is a challenge at first, but it gets easy with practice. We follow His peace within our spirit, and do not consider human logic and reasoning. Christ in us wants to live His life through us, while we work at our job, care for our home and family and community, and minister to our church family. We just follow the leading of God's Spirit moment by moment and we live in fullness of joy, even in negative circumstances (Psalm 16:11). Our Father is always well pleased with us (Matthew 3:17).

Father God, Your grace draws us to Jesus, keeps us pursuing holiness and finishes our perfection through sanctification (1 John 3:2). Jesus is our advocate with You (1 John 2:1), and the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us before You (Romans 8:26). You each have your function as a person of the Trinity and You complete us within and without (Colossians 2:10). You direct our steps and use us for Your glory to advance Your Kingdom in the earth (Luke 17:21).

Thought for the Day:
Living in the center of God’s will is the happiest place on earth.

Thank you, Flowers With Heart, for the use of your photo.