Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jesus, Our Example

We can enjoy life with the realization that we are united to Christ as securely as a branch to a vine (John 15:5). He supports us with the constant and consistent supply of His Spirit. He loves us unconditionally and gives us His peace and joy, as we yield our fears to Him. We are filled with the fruit of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), as we humbly submit to the work of His Spirit in our life. We can do nothing from our human skills and wisdom, we are totally dependent upon our Father, just as Jesus was while He lived on this earth (John 5:19-24).

We crucify our desires and depend upon God’s Spirit each moment of our day. As we trust Him, Jesus makes us a partaker of His anointing and authority. The name of our Lord is glorified in us, and we live in Him, according to the grace God gives to us (2 Thessalonians 1:12). Christ entrusted us with His ministry, gives us His wisdom and leads us by His Spirit to accomplish our Father’s will on the earth. His life flows out of us to enable us to live for Him.

As we study the life of Christ, we see how the Father wants us to live in this life. Jesus was always doing our Father’s business, and so should we. No matter what our vocation or where we live, we can always find someone to share the gospels with. It may take time to build a witnessing relationship with them; but we can always take the time to shower friends, relatives, associates and neighbors with the love of God. Living the gospel often negates the need to use words.

As we rest in our union with Him, He gives us strength to perform everything He calls us to do (Philippians 4:13). We quiet our soul of life’s chaos and listen instead to God’s Spirit. We seek no worldly advantage, other than what He provides. As we abide in Him (John 15:7), God reveals Christ through us to those around us. We are an example of Christ in our thoughts, words and deeds. We walk in the works, which God prepared for us to do before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:8-10).

We center our life in Christ, not only in thought, but also in word and deed. We live in His grace and holiness, and He frees us from slavery to sin and corruption (Romans 8:2). We walk not after the fleshly cares of this life, but we follow the leading of God’s Spirit as we pursue the spiritual realm. His love leads us ever deeper into His divine life. We become one with the Father, just like Jesus.

Father God, thank You for loving your Saints with Your unconditional acceptance. Help us to learn from the life of Christ the way to dwell in Your love, mercy, peace and joy. As we grow in Your grace, we realize that there is no advantage in life apart from Your life abiding in us. You perfect our faith by your love, and then we prove our faith by living in the works You prepared for us to do
(James 2:22; Ephesians 2:10).

Thought for the Day:
If we abide in God’s love, we will keep His commandments, even as Christ did with His life. – John 15:10