Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Roses Have Thorns


In life on this planet, we are often either in a trial, coming out of a trial or about to go into a trial. This is not a sign of spirituality, punishment from God or an attack by Satan. Life just happens! Sometimes, we simply reap what we sowed in life. Possibly they occur because of acts of selfishness perpetuated by some other person. Some of them provide a course-altering experience to get us back into God’s perfect will for us. Life really is a rose garden, but did you notice...roses have thorns (1 Peter 1:6).

The trials in our life provide the fire for our Master Blacksmith to shape and mold us into His divine nature. They strengthen our fortitude, patience and spirituality, as they force us out of our comfort zone and into unfamiliar and often unpleasant circumstances (James 1:2,12; I Peter 1:6). God’s desire is for us to respond to any negative issues we experience with patient expectation and spiritual integrity, knowing full well that His faithfulness will work out everything for our good (Romans 8:28).

Trials strengthen us and make us more resilient, so that problems, which used to devastate us, no longer make any impression on us (John 16:33). Over the years, we see God’s character and fruit replacing the personality traits with which we were born (Galatians 5:22-23). He exchange our human identity for His spiritual character. God always supernaturally sustains us and provides for us in every trial (1 Corinthians 10:13). In fact, we usually end up with more than we started with!

God uses trials to gain our attention and to manifest His Son’s divinity within us (Isaiah 43:7; Genesis 50:20; John 9:3). We may not understand what God is working out in our life, but He is faithful and we can trust Him (Proverbs 20:24; Hosea 14:9). No matter what we experience, even persecution for our faith, Heaven’s glory is worth it all (Romans 8:18). As we hide under the shadow of His wings, we trust in His faithfulness (Romans 8:28). We enter into His rest and live from a positive place of trust (Hebrews 4:10).

The world will constantly attempt to pull us back into its mold. The devil will try to deceive us into compromising our convictions. Even some in our family will fight to dissuade us from following hard after God (Psalm 63:8). The more we obey God’s Will, the more we realize that His ways are perfect. He is a shield for us, if we only have the faith to take refuge in Him (2 Samuel 22:31). Life gives us many options, but living in the center of God’s will is the happiest place on earth.

Father God, Your sovereignty and purposes in our life build Jesus’ character in our soul – our mind, will and emotions. We often try to escape the trials of life, but You will not give us anything that Christ in us cannot bear. We endure persecution and find contentment in all of our circumstances because of Your Son and Spirit dwelling within us (Philippians 4:11). We are victorious over life’s trials through Your joy, as we live a life of praise and prayer.

Thought for the Day:
Secure in Christ we can endure life’s trials with gratitude and hope.