Friday, September 6, 2013

Jesus was not a Hippie

Side View of Jesus on the Cross 

Jesus is not a freethinker, who advocates multiple sexual partners, broad mindedness, and if it does not hurt anyone else, go ahead and do it. Jesus’ words will give you a much different view of who He really is. He equates lust with adultery and hatred with murder (Matthew 5:27-28). He tells us that pursuing His Kingdom is more important than our family (Matthew 19:29). He did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34). He promised that following Him would separate parents and children (Matthew 10:35).

Jesus said that no one goes to heaven except by believing in Him (John 14:6). He denounced divorce (Mark 10:1-12). He says that the person who changes his/her mind from following after Him is not worthy of heaven (Luke 9:62). He cleansed the temple with a whip (Mark 11:15-19). The Gospels are full of accounts of the real Jesus. If you care to take the time to read them, you will see that Jesus drew a line in the sand and pronounced that anyone who does not come over to His side is condemned already (John 3:18).

Many people believe in God, but not in Jesus whom He sent (John 3:34). They think Jesus is a “cool dude”, but they ridicule true Christians for following the teachings of Christ according to His Word, rather than according to the humanistic interpretation they put on His Word. The sad state of affairs in the world today is that too many so-called Christians live according to their own agenda and in chasing satanic pursuits in the world and of the flesh, than in living for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (John 10:10). They give authentic Christians a negative reputation.

The Bible shows that Jesus constantly confronted humanistic, self-serving, unholy practices in both the religious leaders and the Jewish people (Matthew 12:34). He was not some peace-loving hippie that went around preaching free love! He taught about love in His parables and He showed us His love by His death. He brought us peace and hope through His resurrection. He said that every work of our flesh would burn up under His scrutiny. However, as we follow the leading of God’s Spirit we do good works that will withstand the fires of judgment (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Father God, You are not pleased with our sacrifices, but only by a humble spirit and a repentant heart. Help us to renounce our self-centeredness and to humbly submit to the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Without faith in Your faithfulness, we cannot please You (Hebrews 11:6). You created each one of us for Your purpose (Ephesians 2:10). You have a perfect plan for each life that is conceived. Help those who do not believe to come to know Jesus for who He really is (John 3:16-18).

Thought for the Day:
As God works in and through us, He accomplishes His will for our life and for everyone we touch.