Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peace that Overcomes All

Paul noticed that the Philippians were stressing out over the issues in their life. Having a relationship with God that transcended the natural, human realm of life, he was incredulous at their lack of faith! He told them to stop worrying and to pray about everything instead. He instructed them that if they alerted God about their traumatic issues, He would give them His peace, which would calm them and direct them (Philippians 4:6-7).

God’s peace is with us in every lost relationship, homelessness, floods, fires, storms and disaster common to man. We do not have anything to fear with God dwelling within us (Isaiah 43:2). We can run to God, who is our refuge. He strengthens us in our times of trouble. There is no reason to allow fear to strangle the life right out of us, because even if the earth is altered all around us, even if the city or mountains slide down into the sea, He is with us (Psalm 46:1-2). He is our stronghold in any and every situation (Psalm 46:7).

Our Father God watches over us as He waits for us in the glories of Heaven. Yet, the rougher life treats us, the more we attempt to attack it in our own strength and with our human wisdom, even though Spirit is waiting to escort us through it victoriously. God carries us through the hard times and is always with us through the loss of our loved ones. He is even with us as we walk through the veil of death. Therefore, we fear no evil, His rod and His staff comfort us and His angels escort us to His throne (Psalm 23:4; Luke 6:22).

Paul teaches us that peace is always available to God's people no matter what situation faces us, if we would just change our focus from the situation to the God of peace (Isaiah 26:3, 9:6). King David realized this too. He experienced every type of mental, spiritual, emotional and physical anguish that we do. He worked out his negative feelings and mental anguish by writing his Psalms. We can do this too, by journaling what we are going through. Write down every thought, feeling and prayer you are experiencing.

God is waiting for us to call on Him, because He always hears us (Jeremiah 33:3). Do not be afraid to lay down your life with each new morning and to surrender your plans, will, goals and dreams to Him. Follow His leadership and anointing for each moment of the day. It will make such a big difference in how you view each event, as well as the outcome of them. Every evening, go over the events of the day and thank God for all the little love letters He sprinkled out for you along the way. God is with us even as we sleep (Psalm 3:5).

Father God, remind us to stop facing trials alone; and instead, to run to You for comfort, strength, wisdom and guidance. You willingly take part in all of our circumstances in which we allow You to protect us. Your presence reminds us that each new moment is a new adventure with You. You work all things, even the negative things, out for our good (Romans 8:28). This way we can face life with confidence and live each moment in Your victory.

Thought for the Day:
Greet each new day with the consciousness that we are dead, and our life is hidden in God with Christ, who is our life. – Colossians 3:3-4