Monday, January 5, 2015

God Loves YOU

As humans, we search our whole life for love and acceptance. We seek it from our parents, spouse, children and even extramarital affairs. Some people will lie, cheat and wear masks to get love; and then lose it when they show their true colors. We use other people to gratify our own needs; and those attempting to gratify their needs, may abuse us.

We end up brokenhearted, callous, angry and bitter. The desire to love and to be loved is the most basic human need. What we fail to realize is just how deeply God loves each and every one of us. We are all special to Him, the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8; Zechariah 2:8). He is big enough to care about every need that each of us will ever have. If we let Him, He spoils us as His precious children.

God crafted each of us as an original creation, and we are very special to God. Some are smart, others beautiful, or talented, creative, analytical, handy, artistic, etc. The main ingredient we all have is that we are loved by God (John 3:16-18). He does not love us for what we do, or who we are. He will never leave us for doing something stupid or bad (Romans 5:8). His love is unconditional.

God is our Father and He is interested in every detail of our life. He lives within authentic Believers by His Spirit and knows us better than we know our own self (John 14:23; Psalm 139:13-16; Matthew 10:30; 1 Corinthians 3:16). An intimate relationship is all that He desires from us, nothing more (Matthew 7:21-21). We love Him and give Him our devotion and obedience (John 14:15-31). His commands are never burdensome, but for our protection (John 5:3).

Father God, teach us to accept Your love for us and to give Your love to those You bring into our life. Help us to maintain peaceful and contented relationships with our family, friends neighbors and associates. Help us to love You more with each passing day and to devote everything we say, think and do for Your glory. Remind us to walk in Your love and to obey You with each moment of our life.

Thought for the Day:
God loves us and desires our love; and He gives us people in our life to love and to serve. - 1 John 4:7-21