Saturday, January 10, 2015

Perfect Children

As a parent, we dream of well-behaved children, who share our goals and dreams for their life, listen to our Godly wisdom and live according to Biblical principles. This is rarely the case, however, except in a few situations. Most of the time there are no perfect children, just like there are no perfect parents. We all require discipline.

Since God cares enough about us to discipline us, we need to care enough about our children to discipline them (Hebrews 12:5-6). This discipline is only for direct disobedience, not for childish behavior, which gets on our nerves. Children need to be children and to run, jump and play. If we do not give them opportunities to expend their energy at the park or outside in the yard, they will do it in the house at the least appropriate times!

God challenges us to encourage our children's individuality, which He creates in them. We pay attention to God's will for their life and we do not push them in the direction of our own aspirations for them. We discover the areas where our children excel and discover what their passion is. God places a call on each life and He has His plans for us before we were ever born (Ephesians 2:10).

Discipline allows children to feel safe and proves that we care about them and love them (Psalm 3:11-18). Consistency is the main ingredient whether we use a few swats on their rear, time out or the loss of some cherished item for a short period of time. God's discipline is for our good, not His own; and we discipline our children for their good, not our own. This helps them to grow up as self-disciplined individuals.

Father God, we thank You for Your Word, both Old and New Testament, in order to make us wise in this secular world and to use to raise our children according to Your nurture and admonition (Ephesians 6:4). Help us to proclaim Your Word to our children and to the world around us, through Your Spirit, bringing healing and salvation to them all because of Christ who abides within us (Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:14-21).

Thought for the Day:
God's Word, taught from infancy, makes us wise individuals.
- 2 Timothy 3:14-17