Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Carried by the Angels

In life or in death, God gives His angels charge over us to safeguard us through every trial and affliction. They lift us up in their hands, protecting us and even preventing us from stubbing our toe (Psalm 91:11).

When we die, these powerful, supernatural beings escort our spirit and soul​ into eternity (Luke 16:22). We confidently know that to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8).

Whenever we are afraid of life or of death, we can make a conscious effort to still our soul - our thoughts, choices and emotions - and to put our trust in God (Psalm 56:3).

Our Lord God is with us wherever we go in this life or in the next. This fact makes us strong and provides us with confidence and courage (Joshua 1:9).

We have no need to fear any entity, because God set His safeguards in place to care for us (Isaiah 40:10-13). As we keep our thoughts centered on Him, God keeps us in His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). 

Even if something bad happens to us, God promises to bring good from it (Romans 8:28). Maybe that good is nothing more than for us to encourage someone else suffering right along with us.

Once we surrender our will to God's will, we stop worrying about the headline news or what might happen a moment from now. We live in God's rest in this one moment of time, knowing that God has a perfect plan for us in all of our future moments.

The Creator of the Universe lives within us by His Holy Spirit through our relationship with Jesus Christ. He has plans both for our life and the day of our death (Psalm 139; Ecclesiastes 7:1).

It encourages us to realize that our last breath on this earth is followed by our first breath in heaven, and that it is literally that quick.

Father God, we do not know our future or that of America; You did not mention America in Your Word. Israel is Your chosen nation, and these end times are about the salvation of Your nation, Your judgment on the nations who turned their back on You and casting Satan in the lake of fire for eternity.

Thank You for giving Your angels charge to carry us in their hands. As Your Saints and authentic Believers, we are Your Bride, Your Church and Your Body. You effectively care about and for each and every one of us now and always (1 Peter 5:7). We have no need to fear (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Thought for the Day:
God is our Father; and Father Knows Best. - Psalm 91