Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Realm of Reality


Prior to Christ moving into our regenerated spirit by His Spirit, we lived in a two dimensional realm of reality - physical, mental and emotional (2 Corinthians 5:6). Dead in sin, our spirit had no influence over our life at all (Ephesians 2:1).

Once we surrender our life to Christ, our reality is three dimensional - body, soul and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). We have the opportunity to walk in God's spirit rather than to remain tied to this earthly realm.

Our desires, thoughts and behavior change. Our focus is on the spiritual side of life, rather than the temporal. This transformation is not only on the surface, as if we changed a habit through self-effort; but on the inside as well, and requires little human effort.

We learned the secret, which Solomon learned (Proverbs 3:5-6). We look to God in our every thought, word and deed and do not depend on our human understanding. This allows God's Spirit to direct our day in the very center of God's will.

We sense God's Spirit advancing before us to clear our path of roadblocks, giving us wisdom, and permeating our entire being with the fullness of the presence of God (1 John 5:10; Ephesians 3:19 Amplified Bible).

Peace and joy fill our soul in spite of our circumstances. The Spirit teaches us to walk in God's will in little ways at first. If we listen, He will help us to plan our menu for the week and everything we need is on sale - He knew that.

He will tell us which client to approach at work, and we will make that coveted sale. If we disobey and follow our human understanding, we may choose the wrong client and lose the sale. He knew that would happen.

He might tell us to get up and go to a specific place. When we obey, we see an old friend or meet a new one. He knew that would happen. Maybe He will tell us what to wear and it ends up matching what he told our mate to wear.

These smaller issues will teach us to listen to His leading; and when the monumental opportunities arise, which will affect our whole life - like who to marry or where to work or where to move and live - we are already used to listening to and walking in the Spirit.

Father God, although we still live in the natural world, we are learning to operate in the spiritual one instead. Teach us to walk in Your Spirit, so Christ can continue to live His life in and through us each moment of our day. As He is, so we want to be in this world (1 John 4:17).

Remind us that as we practice obeying Your Spirit and walking in Your will, we will finally understand how to walk in the Spirit and to abide in Your will (John 7:17). Our spiritual senses become trained by exercising them in every area of our life and doing only what Your Spirit tells us to do (Ephesians 3:10).

Thought for the Day:
When we live in union with Christ and oneness with the Father through the Holy Spirit, we no longer need to figure out whether we are hearing from Him or from our own mind; we no longer debate Him or speculate about whether or not the leading is from Him or our own thoughts, because we learn to recognize His voice and to follow His peace in our spirit, regardless of how the decision feels in our soul - our mind and emotions.- Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 4:7

Many thanks to Matt Milligan for the use of his photo.