Sunday, February 19, 2017

Incline Your Ear

Green Trees on Green Fields

God always inclines His ear to our prayers; and the wise in this world will incline their ear to the Lord, listen to His Words and align their life with His thoughts, ways and instruction (Proverbs 22:17).

Our eternal Father bends His ear to hear our pleading voice in our times of trouble (Psalm 86:6-8). He cares about everything that concerns us. He may chuckle at our naivety, or feel frustrated at our lack of faith; but He always provides for us, just like He did when Israel chose to wander in the wilderness rather than to obey His direction.

The eternal God pays attention to us and listens to the cries of our heart (Isaiah 28:23). We may not be able to describe in words the anguish we feel in our heart, but God knows exactly how we feel and has an antidote for our troubles.

He does not want us to attempt to overcome our trials alone. He eagerly waits for us to overcome our pride and rebellion, to abandon our human reasoning, and to reach out to Him to overcome the current plague, which is bedeviling us.

We call on God because we know He hears our words and answers us (Psalm 17:6). We communicate with Him in our prayers all day long. He especially loves it when we realize our helplessness without Him; He willingly listens for our voice in our times of need.

We cannot special order how we want our prayers answered. In fact, the most powerful prayer is to pray, "Lord, Your will be done." In our submission to His will, we accept God's answers to our prayers and realize that they are truly exactly what we needed all along.

Father God, we are desperate for You. We thank You for the thousands of ways You answer our prayers at the perfect moment and in the exact way that we need in order to supply our necessities in this world. Thank You that You allow us to live in a constant conversation with Your presence within us, as we focus on You every moment of our day.

Remind us not to talk all the time during our prayers, but to take time to listen to Your voice as You answer us and bless us with Your gifts and surprises along life's way. When You are silent, help us to realize that You are simply enjoying moments of companionable silence with us as Your children.

Thought for the Day:
Our humble prayer is our covenant of complete and unreserved dependence on God to meet our needs as only a divine Father can.