Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Good Marriage - Delighting in One Another

Gray Small Bird on Green Leaves

Caring marriage partners affirm one another's concerns, take responsibility for their own actions and attitudes rather than make excuses for their failings, apologize when they are grouchy or rude, keep their promises and delight in one another.

They cherish each other and are considerate of each other's feelings and needs along with their own. They make time for each other every day so they can listen and communicate their feelings and disappointments, and rejoice together in their accomplishments and blessings.

Caring couples are not afraid to share their honest feelings with one another in love, knowing that both of them are more than willing to find a third option rather than to insist on their own way. This way no one loses, and both partners feel loved and validated.

Many of us are unaware that dysfunction, from our past relationships from birth forward, may be causing issues in our marriage. Once we face our old wounds, influences, defense mechanisms and who we really are deep within, we can better communicate these facts to one another.

This not only improves our marriage, but our own life and attitude as well. We find healing from God for past trauma and establish new habits that allow us to feel more useful, understood and unconditionally loved by God, our self and each other.

The more we practice these lifestyle changes, the more routine they become and the easier they are to continue. Working together on improving our outlook on life allows us to support each other in our endeavors.

Including our partner in our process of change, allows him/her to enjoy a more intimate relationship with us and gives them more of a valuable part of our life.

Father God, give us more empathy and compassion for our mate and the road on which they are traveling through life. We are their partner on this same road. Yoking up together with each other, as well as with You, allows us to share our burdens, which makes them lighter. Help us to remain positive as we make needed changes in our life that will make us better individuals and a better couple.

Use us as examples of what it means to live a Godly life and to show that putting You first will ensure a happier marriage and lifestyle. We run into the shadow of Your wings during troubled times; and we rejoice that You are our God and Savior in good times as well as during moments of trauma.

Thought for the Day:
When we disappoint one another the most, it means that we have more of a need for each other than ever before; as we draw close during times of conflict, we frustrate the devil's plans to drive the wedge of divorce between the two of us.