Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Trusting God

Snow Capped Mountains Under Blue Sky and White Clouds

Our internet company is having trouble; posting will be spotty at times. I apologize for any inconvenience. I have five years of posts, feel free to read them, if I can't post daily. Thank you for your understanding….kat

Trusting God with each moment of our day, and walking by the direction of His Holy Spirit in the center of His rest and perfect will for our life is the most freeing priority we can have in this imperfect world.

We never drown in our weekly agenda, we accomplish the duties at home and in our vocation, we have time to play with our family and friends, and we are more productive than we ever were when we planned our own schedule.

Of course, our week always begins with Sunday worship with our church family, and giving our tithes and offerings to the work of the Lord. This ensures that God will bless us in body, soul, spirit and finances.

Many of the Saints of God, chronicled about in God's Word, followed this same procedure. Enoch and Elijah were even translated from earth to heaven without experiencing the death process, because they followed this formula in their lives.

God stopped during the creation procedure to rest on the seventh day and to give us an example of the importance of living in His rest. He even evaluated His accomplishments of the prior week and pronounced that He did an awesome job with creation.

We too can encourage our self with positive reinforcement and encouragement. God will even send us individuals throughout our lifetime that will verbally affirm our achievements.

Taking continual inventories of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health throughout our day will also ensure that we can walk in God's rest for each moment of it.

Dealing with negative emotions as they arise through journaling, prayer or confronting the bothersome issues with God's wisdom will keep us in God's perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).

Father God, we often fall short of the target of Your glory in our life. We lean too much on our own human understanding and fail to seek Your wisdom and Spirit's guidance for each moment of our day. Remind us not to allow negative emotions to build up in our soul, so that resentment, bitterness, burnout, depression, anxiety, anger, etc. will not dictate our thoughts, words and actions.

We want to follow Jesus' example and do only that which You direct our steps to say and do (John 5:19-24; Proverbs 3:5-6). Teach us to follow Your pre-ordained plan for our life (Ephesians 2:10). We want to be Your good and faithful servants and to bring You all of the praise, honor and glory that is due to Your name.

Thought for the Day:
Deep breathing brings life and health to our body, soul and spirit; we breathe in God's peace and we breathe out the negative emotions, which attach themselves to our soul as we tramp through the mire of this world.