Thursday, July 27, 2017

Borrowing Trouble

Green Mountains and Flowing River

Many times our biggest cause of anxiety and stress in our life is that we borrow trouble from tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). These are issues that may not even happen, but are simply the result of our overly active imagination.

We live in fear and frustration because our anticipation of what "may happen" dictates to our soul - our thoughts, feelings and choices. Satan interjects his lies into our mind, and we end up totally stressed out.

Nothing on earth is ever easy. From opening a child-proof bottle to making life-changing decisions, the answer or solution is often hard or even impossible to attain.

Spiritual battles are always occurring all around us (Ephesians 6). They are relentlessly sent by Satan to discourage and dishearten us - to cause us to give up, to sin or to hide under the blankets on our bed until our body gives up.

The truth is that God's plans and provision for us are always on time and just what we need. If we make an effort to look for the seeds for a miracle hidden in every trial, our faith increases.

God desires to draw us into an increasingly intimate relationship with Himself. He loves us so much that He took on the form of a human being and died a horrendous death in our place.

Disappointment will bombard us, until our trust in and perception of God's love increases (1 John 4:4). As we give Him more of our self with each passing day, Christ in us becomes our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4).

Father God, we desire a deeper, continual infilling of Your Spirit into our body, soul and spirit. The more intimacy that we allow our self to develop with You, the less the trials of this life affect us. We walk in faith through those things, which we do not see; trusting that You are working out all things for our good (Romans 8:28). We desire to see You clearly and to joyfully walk through our lifetime without fear.

We pray that You will use us, just as You pre-ordained before we were ever born. Stop us from rushing headlong into some ministry or good work in Your name; and instead teach us to follow Your Spirit in every aspect of our life - even as simple as what we eat and drink (Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Thought for the Day:
Walking in the Spirit gets easier as we listen for His still, small voice, follow His peace in our heart, and obey His promptings -even if they do not make any human sense at all.