Saturday, July 8, 2017

Increasing Devotion

Green Tree Plant Leaves

Once we come to a heart-felt understanding of eternity, brought to us by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, God's peace is able to flood our soul with joy that is beyond human description or logic.

Moment by moment, He reveals to us His purpose for our life on this earth, and it looks vastly different than what we ever imagined our life would be like. He shows us His divine plan that He assigned to us before we were even in our mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5).

We stop grasping at the things of this world, and instead we do the works, which He calls us to do. We bring Him glory and honor through our obedience, and we thrill His heart, because this proves to Him that we love Him (John 14:15).

Our level of devotion to things of the Spirit rises more each moment of every day. We accomplish His will for us in heart-felt worship and adoration.

Our daily tasks, our ministry to our community and church family, and our times of prayer and Bible study increase as our love for God increases. We stand strong against Satan's lies and deception (1 Timothy 4:1).

Our every thought, word and action ring out in praise to our King and Savior (2 Corinthians 10:5). We learn to patiently wait on God's timing; and we trust Him to work out every area of our life to teach us to rely on Him, rather than to attempt to control our life with human resources.

This also prevents us from surrendering to Satan's attempts to sabotage our walk with the Lord. As we examine our thoughts under the magnifying glass of God's Word, we walk freely from the devil's lying agenda to control our life, and live in God's joy and peace instead.

Father God, unbelief separates human beings from You for eternity. You make it clear in Your Word that it is our faith in Christ that opens Heavens portal to us, and our unbelief which prevents us from finding that eye of a needle that will gain us entrance into Your presence now and for eternity (John 3:16-18).

As authentic Believers, our intimate bond with You is broken only by our propensity to sin. However, if we walk in one accord with Your direction, wisdom and love, we will never fulfill the lusts of our flesh again (Galatians 5:16, 25). We eventually walk by Your Spirit as a matter of course for every moment of our day.

Thought for the Day:
By God’s abounding grace it is possible to live one minute without sinning; if one minute, then we can live one whole day for the glory of God; if one day, then one lifetime can be lived through the perfection of Jesus Christ, who lives His life in and through us, once we dare to get out of His way.