Friday, May 3, 2019

All Good Things to Enjoy

Close-Up Photography Flowers in a Vase

The Lord is our great King above all gods. Therefore, we sing for joy to Him as the Rock of our salvation, and we come before Him with thanksgiving as we praise Him with music and songs (Psalm 95:1-3). We praise Him even during those trials, which we do not understand (James 1:1-2)

We come to see that when our faith is tested, we learn to persevere, so that we can grow in spiritual maturity as complete individuals, lacking no good thing that we need to survive in this world (James 1:3-4).

God proves to us the reality of His existence through all of creation; therefore, no one has a valid excuse not to believe in Him, since God made it so plain. His eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in what He made and holds together (Romans 1:19-20).

Many people know about God, and some have even experienced His wondrous love and care in their own life; however, so often the deceitfulness of their pride and Satan's lies darken their heart, and they neither glorify God nor give Him thanks (Romans 1:21).

Yet, one day, every single knee shall bow before our Lord Jesus (Philippians 2:10-11). The multitude of Saints in heaven will shout praises in one accord, for His salvation of us, as well as His power in and through us. His true and just judgments avenge us (Revelation 19:1-5).

When we see Jesus, we will sound like a mighty waterfall of thunderous applause to our Lord God Almighty who reigns forever and ever (Revelation 19:6). Great is our God's power, majesty, provision, and sustenance for all of His Saints (Psalm 104:15-16).

All the earth and seas are full of His creatures (Psalm 104:24). He gives shelter to the animals, and they depend on Him for their food and watering holes, for dens to rest in safety, and for their daily needs (Psalm 104:20-22, 27). We too learn to depend on Him, as our faith in His faithfulness grows and matures.

Father God, You provide us with the moon to mark the seasons, and You cause the sun to rise again every morning (Psalm 104:17-19). You give us work to sustain us, and You provide us with everything that we need (Psalm 104:23). We gather Your provision, and we are satisfied with the good things, which You continually and abundantly supply (Psalm 104:28).

We love You with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Thank you for loving us, even while we were still willfully sinning; we could not survive this life without the presence of Your Spirit within us. Teach us to put aside our prejudices, and our aversion to obnoxious and offensive people, and to love our self and our neighbors in Your name (Mark 12:30-31)

Thought for the Day:
God's love is an anchor for us while we are adrift in the sea of suffering in this world, and teaches us by example how to love without conditions and restraints.