Thursday, June 27, 2019

De-stressing in the Moment

Photography of Body of Water and Mountains

Stress is a major factor in many illnesses we experience. This negative emotion erodes the cells in our body, and also wreaks havoc in our soul - throughout our thoughts, choices and emotions.

While stressed, we rarely take stock of the moment or consult the Lord for His plans (Proverbs 3:5-6). We focus more on the future and past than the current moment; and we forget to consider the many blessings, with which God drenches our daily life.

We are shamed by our past and overcome with fear of the future, speculating on how our current situation will progress. We worry about how to prepare for tomorrow, how to keep everyone happy with us, and even how political, societal and environmental changes will affect our life.

The only healthy solution to this totally human response to life is to disengage. When we disengage, we follow the advice of the Serenity Prayer, and separate the issues bogging down our mind into two categories:
1.) Those things that we can influence, and we pray for God's direction for us in them.
2.) Those issues we will leave in God's capable hands and trust in His goodness and wisdom.

We also totally rely on the anointing of God's Spirit to keep us on the path that He preordained for us to follow before we were ever born (Ephesians 2:10). We consult the Lord's desire in the current moment, and pay attention to the present details of our circumstances.

We reconnect with important people in our life - forgiving and asking forgiveness when necessary. We make time to have fun with our family and friends, rather than constantly adhering to a strict work schedule at home and in our vocation.

We spend time in God's creation, breathing in the fresh air and drawing inspiration and energy from His natural beauty and order all around us. We absorb the sights, sounds and smells that we notice - completely engaging in each moment of time.

Father God, teach us to pay attention to the inner dialogue of our own soul, and to begin meeting some of our needs that we usually neglect. Remind us that caring about and for our self, in the same way that we care for everyone and everything else in our life that demands our constant attention, is of vital importance to the health of our body, soul and spirit.

Remind us to fully experience each moment of time that You allow us to live in Your service, and to praise You in every one of them - giving You the glory that is due to Your name. We want to enjoy the experiences that You plan for our day, and to embrace our intimacy with You through every trial that we encounter - hearing Your will and embracing Your love through them all.

Thought for the Day:
Fully living in the moment, and following God's will during each one of them, will reduce the stress in our life and give us a healthier future in body, soul and spirit; we set aside our desire to achieve that next step in societal success, and our need to be productive every moment of our day, in order to walk in obedience to God's Spirit and to completely engage and participate in His plans for each moment of our life.