Thursday, June 20, 2019

In Due Season

Sea of Clouds Sunrise Wallpaper

It is so easy to get discouraged in this sinful world of ours; however God's Word encourages us that we shall reap, if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9). We draw our strength from the well-springs of living water within us, and triumph victoriously as we walk in God's Truth (John 4:14; Romans 8:37).

Many people reject God's Truth. This breaks our heart for them, since they must continue to face life without His presence in their life and without His help in their times of trouble. They must rely on their own resources to survive.

This is one reason that we grow weary - carrying that heavy burden around for so long. We grow weary and lose hope when we see laws being passed to kill babies into the last trimester, an increase in senseless murders, ridiculing of the Gospel and Bible, rioting and looting, callous behavior between individuals, society calling righteousness bigotry and sin as a normal human right, etc.

Yet, we continue to live out each moment of our day in integrity, and through God's wisdom rather than through flattery, enticements and manipulation of others. We do not want the praise of human beings, but of our Father God alone (1 Thessalonians 2:4-6).

God entrusts us to share His Gospel of Jesus Christ with whomever will listen to us. Their decision is not our responsibility, only our faithfulness to share His Truth. We do not attempt to please people, but to faithfully serve God, who tests our motives and attitude.

Hearing our friends, relatives, acquaintances and neighbors say that they want to trust Jesus with their life, just like we do, is all of the praise that we need. We rejoice as we witness God's truth changing them from one stage of glory to the next.

We remind our self not to grow weary, but to continue to share God's truth. Then, when we arrive in Heaven, a host of Believers will welcome us, some of whom we have never met before that day.

Father God, bring us laborers to help with the harvest in Your perfect timing. There is no need for us to struggle or strain, because the battle is Yours (2 Chronicles 20:15). You are the Lord of the Harvest (Matthew 9:38). We plow, we sow, we water, and we trust that Your seed of Truth will eventually bear fruit.

Therefore, remind us to always point people toward Jesus, the One who loves them more than His own life. Teach us that we may win one person who will eventually win a multitude, just because we took a moment to share a testimony of what You did in our life.

Thought for the Day:
We look forward to standing in God's presence and seeing the full impact of our service to Him; therefore, we ask God to use us now to share a smile, a hug, an understanding word, a listening ear, and the word of our testimony in Jesus' precious name.