Monday, July 27, 2020

A Good Marriage - Three Aspects of Love


Love has several facets, and each one is purposeful and fulfilling. However, having one aspect without the other makes love lopsided and unbalance. Complete love is very enjoyable and lasting, and it is available to every adopted child of God.


Philia Love

The trait of love that is most commonly felt is Philia love. This is the affection that we feel towards many different types of relationships. It includes our family, special friends, close neighbors, particular workmates, church family, the community in which we live, our country, etc.


Philia is a loyal love, a deep love driven by commitment and common interests and activities. We share our successes, overlook each other's faults, and help one another to bear our burdens. We pray, play, laugh and cry together. 


Eros Love

Of course, Eros, or physical and passionate love, includes sensual desires and longing. It is also vital in a marriage. Having this type of love outside of marriage lacks the meaning and commitment needed to sustain it.


Agape Love

Agape love is unconditional love, and it mirrors the type of love that God has for His family. It is a deep sense of sacrificial love that goes beyond the physical and friendship love described above (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). 


True love includes these three aspects and needs constant attention and nurturing. At times, Agape love is the only type of love we can rely on in a relationship, because we wound or disappoint each other in so many ways. 


Seeking God together, eradicating our expectations of one another, accepting each other just as we are, showing compassion for our mate, preferring each other, finding a third option in decision-making rather than insisting on our own way, and walking in the Spirit all insure our loving marriage. 



Father God, help us to nurture our love between our self and our spouse to include friendship, passion and unconditional love. As we submit to Your will for our life, and as we reprogram our carnal expectations with the mind of Christ, we feel physical, emotional and mental love for our spouse. 


Teach us how to resist Satan's lies that someone else will make us happier than our spouse (James 4:7). We want our marriage to have the same characteristics as Your love for Your Bride, the Church. Help us to love our mate as we love our self, to spend the time and effort needed to nurture our love for one another, and to live as an example to others of the true meaning of love.


Thought for the Day:

A marriage including Agape, Eros and Philia love is lasting and sincere; the feelings of Eros and Philia may come and go throughout our relationship, but Agape lasts forever.

- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8