When our mind is full of clutter and diversions, we get pulled in many directions without any goals or purpose. We experience a lack of depth in our conscious mind. Since the clutter is too overpowering, and we are not listening for His voice, God cannot compete with our distractions or penetrate our awareness.
Following the advice in the Serenity Prayer, we can start each day by praying for wisdom to know if we can change the situation we are experiencing, and how to change it. If we find that we cannot change the circumstances, then we ask God to show us how we should change our focus about them.
Once we hear the answer from the Lord (Isaiah 26:3), then we put all of our negative thoughts, feelings, and circumstances into God’s capable hands. This allows us to focus on the positive aspects He reveals to us. We dwell within our inner sanctum with God's Trinity in our spirit.
We purposely follow the guidance of His Holy Spirit by listening to His still, small voice within us (1 kings 19:12). This prevents the pressures and distractions of life from monopolizing our attention and from overwhelming us. Only as we dwell in God's will can we truly experience total joy and fulfillment.
We bask in the rays of His comfort and direction. When we return to the life to which God called us, we have renewed power to meet the needs of those He sends our way. We can forgive, we can nurture, we can empathize, and we can minister to our self in the same way that we minister to others.
The loving presence of God within us is closer to us than we are to our own self. God knew us before the foundation of the world (Psalm 139). He knew us as He was forming us in our mother’s womb. It stands to reason then, that He has a perfect plan for our life (Ephesians 2:10).
Father God, please remind us to begin each day by sitting at Your feet and learning from You. Help us to enter into Your rest, to talk to You, to listen to You, to read Your Word, to meditate on what we read, to praise You, and to wait on You. Help us to still the chaos in our body and soul - our thoughts, emotions, and choices.
We want to remain in Your presence until You give us the assurance that we are ready to go out into the world and to accomplish Your desires for us. Go with us and in us throughout our day and night. Thank You that You never, ever leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
Thought for the Day:
The only way we will know what God wants us to do is to listen; then when we do take the time to listen, God meets us in all of His glory; as we sit in silence, with no inner or outer distractions, we reach a new level of awareness of our self, and of the Trinity of God within us, as well as a place of inner tranquility.