Negative emotions usually mean that we are ignoring some part of our spirit, soul or body that needs our attention. Maybe we failed to protect our self from some clueless person who inadvertently wounded our soul, maybe we are hungry and were too busy caring for others to take care of our own needs.
Or maybe we filled our hours with duties and responsibilities and took no time to be in nature, or to do something that we consider to be wholesome fun. In this instance, listening to music, or creating with art, woodwork, technology, mechanics, needlework, music, etc. may help to resolve our negative feelings and to restore our positive feelings.
Journaling our feelings each day will show us patterns of thoughts that are fueling our feelings, and our behavior that they cause. Reading in our journal about the negative thoughts, which are affecting us, will give us an understanding of what is causing our issues at this time in our life.
When we receive understanding, then resolution and freedom from the tyranny of our past or our current concerns occurs. As we spend time alone with God over each troubling thought, He will help us to see His Truth about the problems bothering us; His truth is not imparted to us mind-to-mind, but by His Spirit to our spirit.
Merely distracting our self from our feelings is a temporary fix, but it does not deal with the underlying issues that need resolution in order to bring a total change to our emotions - from negative back to positive. Dealing with the underlying cause will change our thoughts and emotions, and our behavior follows suit.
When God imparts His wisdom and Truth to our soul, and we follow His directives to settle the concerns bothering us, we are set free indeed (John 8:36). He helps us to see what triggers our thoughts, emotions and behavior, and how to heal our wounded soul.
Father God, help us to see that negative emotions have adverse consequences on our spirit, soul and body. You gave them to us to signal our dismay and grief in some part of the intricate system You created as our human disposition. Give us Your wisdom on how to resolve the difficulty in each situation that we experience, which will help us to find answers for future causes as well.
You know us better than any living being, and You want what is best for each of us. You often use adversity and trials to allow patience to have its perfect work in us (James 1:4), and to increase our trust in You. Show us where our disturbing thoughts come from, and how to settle these issues by discovering their root and origin. We know You love us, and we love You best and foremost.
Thought for the Day:
Our thoughts cause our mood to waffle back and forth between a positive and negative mindset; however, God's Word gives us a thread of advice on this topic that is a sure way to filter our thoughts: to meditate only about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise.
- Philippians 4:8