Jesus claimed to be God (John 14:9), and He spent every day after that proving His connection with our Father through His teaching and His multitude of miracles. Even now, His life within us gives us an inner conviction of the fullness of His place in the Godhead (Colossians 2:9).
Only as we walk in His ways will He prove to us the doctrinal truth of His God-life within us (John 7:17). He is our secure way, our total truth, and our abundant life (John 14:6). We are complete in Him when we walk according to His purposeful plans for us (Colossians 2:10). We know Him more, as we do His will.
We follow Jesus’ exemplary life, which He provided for us through His love and regard for everyone – even the children; His example of His denial of His own goals and dreams in order to save people in the whole world who choose Him; and then, His example of positive principles that He illustrated both in His teaching and by His lifestyle (1 Corinthians 11:1; 1 John 1:7-9).
Allowing God’s Spirit to transform our mindset and our lifestyle provides us with an existence that has no hypocrisy, that is more fulfilling than anything this world has to offer, and that is more realistic than the philosophies of an ever-changing humanistic viewpoint.
Each day, we get swept away in His river of life (Psalm 46:4; Revelation 22:1), and we exemplify His nature as God because He abides within our spirit (Colossians 1:27; Galatians 2:20). If we follow His Biblical advice, it prevents us from reaping the negative natural consequences of human decisions and instincts that we would otherwise have followed.
God’s character and fruit blossom in our own life more and more each day through His process of sanctification (Galatians 5:23-24; 2 Corinthians 3:18). We are a friend of God, and He looks forward to our death, so that we can spend the rest of eternity in His physical presence (John 15:15-17; Psalm 116:15).
Father God, we cannot even begin this journey with You unless we humbly submit to You; we believe that Jesus is our only way, truth, and life; and we walk away from our sinful lifestyle in favor of Your perfection (Acts 2:38, 3:19, 16:31; John 14:6-7). Jesus did not apologize for this truth, and neither should we. The world rejects this fact, but that does not make it any less true. Thank You for living as the reality of our life.
We could not survive in this world without Your continual presence within us. Thank You for opening our eyes to see You, and for strengthening our inner being to see Your truth for what it is. We see the evidence of a Faithful, Nurturing, and Self-sacrificing Father in You. Your nature is evident all around us in nature, and in the fruit of Your Spirit that we see exhibited in Your Body. Remind us that Your purpose for our life is to magnify and reflect You to all those in our sphere of influence.
Thought for the Day:
Those who scorn God’s existence, or our reliance on Him as our whole life (Colossians 3:3-4), will eternally live to regret their rejection of Him in their current life (John 3:18); they minimize God’s miraculous intervention in our life, and sadly, they miss out on His blessings in their own life.