From before the beginning of time, God sent His only begotten Son to pay for the sin debt of every single person on this planet (Romans 8:29; Isaiah 44:2), because He was the only perfect human being every conceived.
Paying our own sin-debt was impossible for us to compensate; so, Jesus willing accepted the position. Now, anyone humble enough to surrender our body, soul and spirit to God’s complete control is afforded the privilege of being adopted into the family of God.
What God is looking for from us is total submission to His way of thinking and His timing for all of His fulfilling plans for our life (Matthew 7:21-23; Jeremiah 29:11). A simple conviction of our sins is not enough, because to feel remorse for something we do wrong is a common emotion in our human psyche.
Once we truly and completely give up our will and ways, and invite God’s Spirit to control our life, we enter into a personal relationship with God through conversion in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-18). Conversion starts with restoration of our spirit.
Once dead in sin, our spirit is instantly redeemed though the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary’s cross. Then, the Holy Spirit begins His sanctifying process of our soul – our thoughts, emotions and choices. The third step, glorification, happens instantly when we stand before God’s throne in Heaven.
Every human being longs for the assurance that comes from having a purpose in this life. We endeavor to use human reasoning to find our place where we can give and receive in harmony with everyone else. This may last for a while, but it usually ends in our dissatisfaction both with the status quo and with our ultimate unfulfillment.
We also often feel a need to atone for our own failures and to make amends for them. Of course, we can do this in many areas, but only the blood of Jesus totally cleanses us from everything, while He also shares with us all the things that are His (1 John 1:7; Romans 8:16-18).
Father God, thank You so much for sending Jesus to give us a perfect example of how to live and to die on this earth. His words of Truth are so motivating, educational, and comforting. He showed authentic love to the vilest of sinners, as well as to the little children and His disciples. Through every act of kindness in His lifetime, as well as His atonement on Calvary’s cross for our sins, we indeed find His example to reach peace, joy and inspiration.
Thank You that Jesus, as God in human form, reconciled to Himself the whole world; yet, only a few find Your narrow road, and agree to forsake the wide road that surprisingly leads to ultimate and eternal destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). We are effectively reconciled to You through Jesus’ personal sacrifice, and for this we are perpetually grateful. We praise Your holy name.
Thought for the Day:
Jesus demonstrated the possibility of our freedom from the entanglement of sin, as well as our reconciliation to God - that we are unable to achieve for our self - regardless of our good works; Jesus relinquished His reputation, and sinless perfection and took upon Himself the sins of the entire world of humanity – past, present and future – and for this we owe Him our allegiance and adoration.
- Ephesians 2:8-9