Monday, October 24, 2011

The Crown of Glory

Read: Isaiah 28:5

“The gray head is a crown of glory and beauty, IF it is found in the righteous way, the path of spiritual and moral uprightness in every area or relationship.” - Psalm 16:31 (Amplified Bible)

Since I now possess a full head of gray hair, this verse holds greater significance for me than it did in my youth. It challenges me to live healthier and more righteously. The dictionary defines glory as great honor awarded to us when we do something of value or importance. It is the condition of the highest achievement of majesty, affluence, radiant beauty or magnificence. To be in one’s glory means to enjoy one’s best and happiest moments of life.

The Lord alone is our true glory, treasure, magnificence, and radiant beauty. In this photo, you will see a young girl and/or an old woman depending on your perspective. When Jesus lives in us, we are actually in our glory, regardless of our age or the color of our hair. However, even in old age our significance does not diminish. We shine with the brilliance of a valuable, ancient golden coin because of the glory of Christ within us.

Lord Jesus, You were crowned with glory because of Your death and resurrection. Now, you are a crown of glory and beauty for all of Your Saints. Yet, when You are revealed in the last days, we too will win the conqueror’s crown of glory. (1 Peter 5:4)

Thought for the Day:
In our youth we have faith only in what we can see; but as we age, we learn that the true glory of life is in what we cannot see.