Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reluctant Changes

Read Mark 10: 29-31

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

What do Moses, Abraham, Elisha and the disciples all have in common? They answered affirmatively when God called them to fulfill His purpose for them in the earth. They all left family, home, businesses and a lifetime of habits and accumulated comforts to follow God’s will.

Would we obey, if God required a change from us as well? Change is hard. We avoid change like the plague. The fear of the unknown is the culprit behind our reluctance to adjust. We settle in a comfort zone and see no reason to leave it.

As we draw close to God, we find the freedom and power to live each day under His control. The Holy Spirit helps us to accept change, while God supplies everything we need to make a successful transition; and at the same time, Jesus helps us to find peace and joy during the whole process. Many people live with change every day and never regret it. We can too, if we surrender to the work of the Trinity in our lives.

Lord Jesus, give us the courage of David and the wisdom of Solomon, so that we will allow You to bring Your changes into our lives. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
When God calls, Satan forestalls and man squalls, but Jesus overcomes all walls.