Saturday, July 14, 2012

Securing God's Blessings

Read: Leviticus 27:29-32

“Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” - Proverbs 23:4

So many people today are stretched for cash. They have bills mounting higher than their income; and they have debt from consumer credit and college loans that would choke a horse.

What is the answer to this growing problem in America?

Well, millionaires will tell you to live within your means. They know that every penny they do not spend, goes straight into their savings account. It only takes 100 pennies to make a dollar; so they mount up fast. Before you know it, you have $50 in pennies sitting in the gallon jar in the corner of the room.

The Bible is full of so much great advice concerning this topic. Proverbs 6:6-8 exhorts us to consider the ant. It is wise even though it has no guide, overseer or ruler. The ant gathers her food in the harvest and stores some of it to provide food in the summer. David proclaims that from his experience, those who put God first are never forsaken and their descendants never have to beg for bread (Psalm 37:25).

Many people use so many excuses not to honor God with their income. "We are paying off debt and we will tithe when we are more financially stable;" or "We will tithe when the kids are in school and we can both work;" or “I just bought a new house (car, boat, etc) and I can’t afford to tithe anymore” (1 Timothy 6:7). Whatever excuse we have for that moment of our lives, we will use it. If we do not tithe, however, we are robbing God, and He cannot bless us (Malachi 3:10).

Solomon, the wisest man in Biblical times, exhorts us to budget our income into portions, because we never know when the unexpected misfortune will occur (Ecclesiastes 11:2). Lazy people who love money always want more, but they end up with nothing once the debt collectors come and repossess what they fail to pay for (Proverbs 13:4; Ecclesiastes 5:10). A hasty person makes unwise choices and ends up in poverty. They have no self-discipline and they constantly lose what they have (Proverbs 21:5 Proverbs 21:5). Some even brag about their carelessness (Proverbs 13:16). 

Yet the person who puts God first is content with what he/she has and lives a diligent life enjoying an abundance of God’s blessings (Hebrews 13:5; 1 Timothy 6:6). They foresee lean times ahead and save for this financial drought during their times of abundance (Proverbs 22:3). They do not jump from one job or location to another, but they build upon what they have. This allows them to increase in wealth as the years pass (Proverbs 24:3-4). They use self-discipline and restrain from making unwise choices (Proverbs 25:28). They budget their income and they refrain from overspending (1 Corinthians 16:2; Proverbs 13:16). If we honor the Lord with the first part of all we earn, we will have plenty and our cabinets will overflow with God’s provision (Proverbs 3:9-10).

Lord Jesus, You promised to supply all of our needs according to Your riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Convict us to walk in obedience and to give back to You ten percent of the first part of everything You provide for us.

Thought for the Day:
Do not weary yourself to gain wealth, cease from your consideration of it.
- Proverbs 23:4