Monday, July 2, 2012

Praise and Prayer

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” - Hebrews 13:15-16

Sometimes, we just don’t feel like praising God or showing gratitude for some of the events in our lives. We are upset, overcome, overwhelmed or just in a rotten mood. This is totally human, and it is also perfectly understandable. The problem comes, when we spend too much time throwing a pity party, and we have no time for praising God!

Did you ever notice that very few of your friends ever come to your pity parties? Those that do come, do not stay very long; in fact, the only friend who comes early and stays late is Jesus! So when you feel a negative emotion rise up in your soul, don’t even bother involving your friends. Take it to Jesus right away.

Paul suffered negative experiences in his life through shipwrecks, beatings, starvation, getting taken for granted, imprisonment, abandonment, rejection, and times of working to the point of utter exhaustion. Even so, he still had the grace to encourage us in our hard times. He said to be joyful always; pray continually; and to give thanks in all circumstances. He even dared to say that this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus. This is when it is a sacrifice to praise, but we praise God simply because it makes Him so happy.

God inhabits our praises (Psalm 22:3). Therefore, when we praise Him, even when we just don’t feel like it, it brings us closer to Him. We do this by entering into that quiet place within our spirit and changing our focus. Then we pray and gain God’s strength to change or to accept our circumstances no matter what they are.

This brings up a thought that the Bible recommends that we pray without ceasing. How in the world can we pray without ceasing? Praying all day long makes a big difference in our productivity, our joy and our fulfillment. You do not have to go to a physically quiet place and kneel to pray. You can pray every moment of the day as you live it.

Have you ever woken up at night and found a prayer or a song on your mind? Your spirit is praying while you sleep! Our spirit is connected with the Spirit of God, and the Holy Spirit prays for us even when we are sleeping! (Romans 8:26)

Another concept in praying without ceasing is to gain God’s direction for each moment of the day! The Holy Spirit guides and directs our steps if we ask His help in everything we do - even in the simple or mundane things that we normally take for granted! He may show you a better way to do a task or He may change your direction altogether!

When you finish one job, pray about what to do next. If God is interested in what we eat and drink, He is certainly also interested in what we do and when we do it, even if it is what’s for dinner! It is vitally important for you to ask God’s direction in every decision you make, so that you stay in the center of His will throughout the day.

As we maintain an attitude of prayer, we also start paying attention to the feelings within our own soul. Then, we can take them to God to learn how to heal the negative aspects and to multiply the positive ones. At times, anxiety burdens our soul to the point, which may make us physically and emotionally ill. When we live in the present moment, however, fully attentive to everyday life as we live it, we find joy in the gifts God provides. We erupt into spontaneous praise throughout the day. I encourage you to practice dwelling in the present moment with a prayer and His praises filling your heart.

Lord Jesus, I praise You for the sun rising and setting, the butterfly fluttering on the breeze, the air we breathe, the laughter of little children, the flowers blooming along the roadside, the rain for our garden, for toes to balance our body, for the warmth of clothes, for soap and shampoo to keep us clean, for birdsongs, for the antics of my pets, for the glitter of the sun on the water, for the shape and color of flowers, for fluffy clouds in the crystal blue sky, for the sound of my neighbor starting her car and my loved one returning home, and for a roof that does not leak! I even praise you for the hard times and the trials of life that draw me closer to You.

Thought for the Day:
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” - Colossians 3:15