Monday, July 16, 2012

Waiting on God

I love the way the Holy Spirit warns us of mishaps before they happen. He leads us to places, which we never dreamed we would go. He also brings people into our lives that enrich and nourish us. Paul had such experiences all during his life. In one instance, the Holy Spirit even warned him that he would visit Rome (Acts 19:21) and that prison and hardships awaited him there (Acts 20:23).

However, this journey to Rome took almost three years. Along the way, Paul met many people and he shared with them the gospel of Christ. He even met a governor (Acts 24:25), whom he almost persuaded to trust in Jesus! Paul also lived his testimony before shipmates, natives who observed his snakebite and even to those who threatened his life.

Sometimes, God requires us to wait on His timing for His promises to come to pass. He seldom tells us the reason things happen as they do. He just asks us to trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). Often we wonder how the various circumstances in our lives will ever come together in a meaningful way. God promises that all things, even the negative things, will turn out for our good (Romans 8:28).

One thing modern human beings have in common is that we hate to wait! If we would only look beyond the events in our life to the face of our Savior, He would take the anxiety right out of the waiting process. We would also stop groaning about the things in our past. If we live in the present moment, God will meet us right where we are. As we wait upon the Lord, He will renew our strength. We will rise up on wings like the eagles and soar high into the spiritual realm of life (Isaiah 40:31).

God has a purpose for everything that occurs in our life, even if we never realize what it is until we make it to heaven. The Psalmist exhorts us to wait on the Lord and to be courageous, because as we do, God shall strengthen our heart (Psalm 27:14). Our soul waits for the Lord as we put our hope in His Word (Psalm 103:5).

In times of waiting, we can pause in God’s presence to be refreshed, linger in our memories of His goodness, remain faithful to His calling on our life and prepare our hearts for His next set of instructions. All the while, we can rejoice with gladness in our heart and learn to lean on Him all the more during the barren times or the heated trials of our life.

Lord Jesus, I do not have patience when it comes to waiting. I want to arrive right on time and not a minute too soon. I want to put my dinner in the oven and have it come out on time. I want to make an appointment and have people show up on time. But, life does not always happen on my time schedule. Teach me, Lord, to wait on You and to be content in whatever circumstances You bring to pass in my life.

Thought for the Day:
Surrender your soul to the blessings of each day as God provides it.