Friday, July 20, 2012

Raising the Lazarus in Your Life

When Jesus visited Mary and Martha after their brother Lazarus died, 4 days had passed since the burial. In John 11:21, Martha says to Jesus, "Master, if You had been here, my brother would not have died."  Martha was overwhelmed with sorrow at her brother’s passing. The loss was great to their entire family, their friends and community. They wanted Jesus to come while Lazarus was sick, so that He could heal him. In their minds, Jesus failed to show up in time. Martha was bitterly disappointed.

Can you relate to Martha's attitude? Many of us are overwhelmed with our troubles. Stuck in anxieties we cannot seem to let go of. Drowning in sorrow that threatens to sink us into the pit of despair. We have tried several strategies to overcome the obstacles, yet none of them worked out. Have you given up hope of something that you have struggled with for an extensive amount of time? Have you decided that there is no sense in even praying about it anymore, because it is not going to happen?

Of course, we all know the ending to Martha’s story. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. In the same way He answered Martha’s prayer, Jesus will raise our "Lazarus" from the dead as well. Our God is great. He is mighty and awesome in power. There is nothing too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:17,27). He wants to work all things out for our good (Romans 8:28). Are you willing to believe and to wait on Him? Just call upon Him and He will answer you and show you great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3). Once Lazarus came forth from the tomb (John 11:40), Jesus responded, "Did I not tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?" Lazarus died for the glory of God, so that Jesus could bring him back to life.

Let’s look at this scenario from another perspective. What if God actually chose this as Lazarus’ time to die? Jesus would not have raised him from the dead. Would his family, friends and community ever recovered from this tragedy? Some people look at death as defeat. They think that if God allows someone to die, then He failed to heal them. This is only the opinion of people with a limited, earthly viewpoint.

Death is actually the ultimate healing, because God takes us home to live with Him in heaven. This is actually far better than healing in this earthly realm, because now there will never be any more sickness, sorrow or death for our loved ones. They already passed through the veil into eternal life.

As we choose to trust God with our "Lazarus", we will see the mighty hand of God working in our favor. We all struggle with sin, anxiety, frustration and so much more. However, God can raise every hopeless situation we ever encounter in His timing and in His own way for His glory. We can all be raised from deadly circumstance, through His power working for, in and through us.

Lord Jesus, help us to keep our focus on You and not on our circumstances. Help us to look at our life from an eternal perspective and to trust you to work all things out for our good. Help us to share our faith with others through prayer, so that our effectual, fervent prayer will heal the sick, in body, soul and spirit (James 5:16).

Thought for the Day:
The existence of the entire universe is an impossibility, which God made possible.