Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christian Freedom

Read: Galatians 5:13-16

“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” - Psalm 28:7

The first key to freedom in Christ is humility. If we keep blaming others for our failure, nothing ever improves and we are never set free from the bondage of the past. Humility is absolutely transforming. The humility to admit that we are powerless leads to surrender. This surrender leads to serenity.

Serenity is peace, which transcends our circumstances. This deep peace leads to joy, which does not depend on what is going on around us. Happiness is a fickle human emotion that ebbs and flows with the tides of life. However, the joy of the Lord is our continual strength (Nehemiah 8:10). It gives us the energy to follow the Spirit’s leading as we live in the moment throughout the day.

A Christian sister reminded me that she is a teacher; and, therefore, must plan her calendar. She wondered how she could plan and still live in the moment. We can plan our life as the Spirit gives us direction, but living it moment by moment takes away our regret over the past and our worry over the future. We are also able to enjoy each moment as God gives it to us, because we are unencumbered by negative emotions.

Negative emotions are the red flags of our soul. They alert us to the fact that we have an unresolved conflict causing unrest in our mind. Ask God what is causing this negative feeling of fear, anger, rejection, hopelessness, confusion, invalidation, bitterness, depression, etc. The root of these emotions is hidden in an experience, which muddied the peaceful stream of our soul. Until we find this root of unrest, and bring it to God to heal, it will continually stir up strife in the depths of our soul. The minute God speaks His truth about this situation, however, the passion within the negative emotion is extinguished and the joy of the Lord returns.

This brings up the concept of praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). People wonder how to pray without ceasing and yet continue to live up to their daily responsibilities. We certainly cannot stay on our knees in our prayer closet all day long. Some people say this means that we live in an attitude of prayer. I assert that we are actually called to pray about each moment as God gives it to us. We ask Him what He wants us to do, and we follow His Spirit’s leading as we do it. Then we pray about our next endeavor throughout the day. Life flows much more smoothly with prayer.

Lord Jesus, remind us to follow the trail of tears from the negative emotion disturbing our peace, back to the experience where Satan planted it. It may not be rooted in the current situation we are experiencing, but in some instance it stems from, which is deep in our past. Give us courage and wisdom as we seek Your healing for all of the negative emotions that rob us of our joy.

Thought for the Day:
Humility admits that we cannot, and acknowledges that God can.