Saturday, August 25, 2012

Defying Science

I can just see God chuckling as He created some of the most peculiar animals and matter in the universe, at the same time that He put the laws of science and nature into motion. He knew He would be messing with the human mind! For instance, there is actually a planet that defies these laws. It is ten times larger than Jupiter. Scientists agree that under the laws of physics, it should spiral into the surface of its molten sun and disintegrate.

WASP-18b, as it is called, resides a thousand light years from Earth. Scientists say that the tidal interactions between the massive planet and it’s enormous sun should be pulling them together; however, the planet routinely orbits its own star in under 24 hours. Its temperatures exceed 2,100C and this creates clouds of silica-based gems. This means that if we visited this planet, we might see a sky full of sapphires and diamonds!

We all know about the many animals, which defy scientific laws. The most common is the bumblebee, which breaks the laws of aerodynamics because of its massive weight compared to its wingspan. Scientists also say that dolphin are simply too heavy and large to swim as fast, jump as high or do as many tricks as they are able to do. Another example is the 5” long Anna’s Hummingbird. While attempting to impress the fairer sex, the tiny male bird can dive through the air at around 50 mph. This causes the hummingbird to whirl its wings at more than a thousand beats per minute and to burn body fuel about four hundred times faster than a human being.

At Yosemite National Park, scientists discovered a huge variety of microbes, called thermophiles, which survive at 100C. To get a gist of the enormity of this feat, realize that God created all living creatures, including thermophiles, largely of protein. Protein cooks at not much above 40C. Some marathon runners are known to damage their kidneys as their body overheats. Yet, thermophiles live in this intense heat and flourish.

At ocean depths of 700m, the pressure is up to twenty times the normal atmospheric condition. In the deepest of oceans, it is more than a thousand atmospheres. This is enough to crush a human body. Yet some species of deep sea fish have no internal body cavities to collapse, so they survive and thrive here, because of God’s design. 

A sperm whale can dive to nearly two miles deep, where pressure reaches hundreds of atmospheres, and yet its lungs survive. God gave the sperm whale ribs that flatten when the lungs collapse. Also oxygen is stored in their blood, which allows the sperm whale to dive for up to ninety minutes before needing another breath. With human divers, a quick rise to the surface causes bubbles in the bloodstream, which can cause death. God protected the whale, however, and this does not happen when they rise suddenly.

At the other end of the earth’s terrain, in the Himalayan mountains, the migrating bar-headed geese fly in air that is so thin that human mountain climbers need oxygen. These geese actually enjoy these heights and the cold weather, because the thin air offers less resistance as they fly, and the intense cold prevents them from over-heating under their God-given goose down.

The Male Emperor Penguin survives the Antarctic winter, where temperatures often dip below -50C. God gave them the wisdom to huddle together to share their internal warmth. The outermost birds continually shuffle to the inside of the group and each one takes turns braving the extremely cold and cutting winds. God even gave the males a pocket to protect the eggs and baby penguin. In the same vacinity, God gave Polar fish their own natural anti-freeze to stop them from freezing in the icy depths of the sea.

Bats are blind, but they use God-inspired echo-location to create a ‘mental picture’ with so much detail that they  can find the tiniest of insects flying nearby; and also to detect other bats, in order to prevent collisions as they streak through the air. God created another phenomenon, which occurs every autumn. About ten billion birds take off from Northern Europe, Asia and North America and head for the tropics and beyond. In many species, the newest born birds follow their parents. However, young swallows set out on their own journey. No one really knows how they know where to go and how to return, but God does.

Pigeons and other species of birds seem to read the Earth’s magnetic signals. God gave them compounds of iron at the base of their beak to detect the magnetic currents in the earth. Other birds use sight. Some use smell to detect the scent of ammonia that emanates from their bird colonies. God gave other birds the ability to navigate by the sun. The night-flyers avoid overheating by using the moon and stars to navigate. Some birds, like the Indigo Bunting, evidently spend their early weeks in the nest learning the layout of the night sky. Scientist say they just need to identify the pole star, because all the other stars apparently revolve around it. These are all astonishing feats that God created birds to do.

Well, in spite of all these extraordinary examples, there is a one familiar creation that is the most astonishing of all…you.

The simplest of mundane tasks undertaken by any one of us requires truly astonishing physical skills and mental computing power. Consider the talents we all have to create beautiful music, art, inventions, and scientific and medical breakthroughs. We are all miracles of God. We are more sophisticated, intelligent and marvellous than any man-made invention or any of God’s other creations. God created each of us for a specific plan and purpose with all the gifts and talents we need to succeed in this area.
Yet, many of us take for granted all of our God given talents and the abilities He teaches us throughout our lifetime. As I consider these exceptions to the rules that God created, it makes me even more determined to live up to the potential He gave me, so that I can make my mark on society in His name and leave a spiritual legacy behind for future generations.

Lord Jesus, each human being is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You knew us before You ever formed us in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). We are Your most esteemed creation and You made us to fellowship with You (Genesis 1:26). You care about us so much that You collect all of our tears in Your bottle and You record in Your journal each one and why we shed it (Psalm 56:8). You will bring vengence upon those who bring sorrow to Your beloved saints (Romans 12:19). You alone stretched out the heavens and spread out the earth by Your mighty power (Isaiah 44:24), and Your love endures forever (Psalm 136:6).

Thought for the Day:
Whatever pleased the Lord, He created in heaven, in the earth, in the seas and in all the deep places. - Psalms 135:6



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