Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thank God for Encouragers


Every Pastor needs at least one encourager to keep him from succumbing to the constant discouragement from Satan’s emissaries. Pastors need people to respect and believe in them, to pray for them and to compliment them for a job well done.

The congregation needs encouragers too - people who will listen and remember to pray for our concerns - those who call to check on us and to see how we are doing, and if they can help with any of our physical, emotional, financial or spiritual needs.

A man named Joseph in the Bible encouraged people so much, that the Saints started calling him “Barnabas”, which means “the son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). What a great compliment! God used Barnabas to introduce Paul, the persecutor of Christians, to the apostles of Jesus who lived in Jerusalem (Acts 9:27). The duo of Paul and Barnabas became a household name after a while, even to this day.

Barnabas had the discernment needed to encourage others. Even when Paul disqualified a young Believer named Mark from joining him in ministry, Barnabas took Mark under his wing. Barnabas believed in Mark and encouraged him, just like he had encouraged Paul. Eventually, Paul recognized the new maturity in Mark and took him on one of his future missionary journeys (Colossians 4:10; Philemon 24). Barnabas even took a turn encouraging and ministering with the apostle Peter (1 Peter 5:13).

We each have our own personal encourager living right inside of us (John 14:16-17). Our Father sent Him to us when Jesus returned to heaven. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and our guide. He revives, helps and fortifies us as He teaches us and brings the words of Jesus to our remembrance (John 14:26). Therefore, between comfort from our church family and that of the Holy Spirit within us, we can rise above any challenge Satan throws at us (1 John 4:4).

Father God, Your strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Your Spirit leads us in this world of darkness, and comforts us in every trial we endure. Remind us to submit to His presence within us, and to trust that You are working through Him to direct the feet of the stumbling and to protect the heart of the downtrodden. His comfort envelops us and brings us victory in each facet of life and through every tribulation.

Thought for the Day:
When someone rejects God’s Truth, we can love them without condemnation or rejection, which will give them the freedom to express their doubts in a safe environment, as we encourage them to open their hearts to God’s love.