Sunday, November 17, 2013

God Uses Our Personality - The Choleric

My purpose in discussing the various personalities is to help us to appreciate and to help one another. With different personalities we are better able to function in various aspects of life and to work together as a whole society. 

We can learn from one another and benefit from each other’s strengths, as we help each other with our weaknesses. We each have one of four predominant personality types with a few traits from the other types thrown into the mix. 

We may dislike some aspect of someone’s personality, but if we understand why they act as they do, it helps us to appreciate their good points rather than to focus on their negative aspects. It takes all sorts of people to make the world go around. 

The problem with personalities is that they are human and carnal. However, God is able to totally revamp our personality once we surrender our life to Him. He minimizes our weaknesses and enhances our strengths. 

The Choleric personality is the first in my series: A choleric person is usually dynamic, influential, determined, independent, unemotional and dogged in the pursuit of their goals and dreams. They are bull-headed in many instances and do not discourage easily. 

The choleric is a good entrepreneur or a valuable sportsperson. They have so much confidence that they can take charge of any situation and make it successful. They usually are so busy with success in their chosen field that they have little time for family, ministry for the Lord or any other area of life that does not bring financial success and recognition.

A choleric will grow impatient with others and people find it hard to relax in their presence. They tend to be bossy, busy, quick-tempered, argumentative, uncompassionate and impulsive. They are driven and may drive others too. 

This may make others feel inadequate or depressed. They use, domineer and drive those around them to the point that others may avoid them; however they need and have very few friends. They seem to know it all and are very possessive of what is theirs.

However, they are assets in the workplace. They love change and have a compulsive need for variety in their life. They think that their way is right; and they have an answer for everything. They have no qualms about correcting what they perceive as faults in others, and they tend to be inflexible. 

They look at the whole picture and prefer to delegate the details. They have immediate and practical solutions to any problem and excel in emergencies. They are goal-oriented, organized, problem solvers, intense and they demand loyalty. 

They delegate to others, stimulate activity from others; and, as a result, motivate high production. They are born leaders, love challenges and thrive on solving problems and achieving success. Their decisions tend to be quick, decisive and sometimes rather tactless. 

They do not like to be forced to socialize or to do something they do not want to do. A choleric needs recognition for their accomplishments and opportunities to have their needs met. They need to be the leader at work, home and other areas of involvement. 

They love to make decisions and are good at it, so give them opportunities to be responsible for events and projects. Do not interfere with them, but give them full reign to use their potential. Learn to negotiate with them, rather than bucking their decisions.

Provide them with love and affection when they want it, but be careful not to smother them. They appreciate acts of service and cooperation more than physical touch and affection. They are uncomfortable around emotional outbursts, so learn to be more cognitive in your reactions to them. 

They will increase performance from others if they learn to be kinder, to slow down and look at all of the ramifications of their decisions and instruction before making them.

They will also have a more well-rounded personality, if they allow God to teach them to adopt people skills and to show more mercy and understanding of how their decisions will affect other people. 

Relaxing on vacations and in family time will help to mellow out the sharp edges of their personality. Surrendering their life to God will increase their productivity and soften their reactions to another person’s weaknesses.

Father God, Your Spirit helps us to replace painful memories, which inspire anger and vengeance, with opportunities to make happy memories. You enable us to control our anger. Help us to validate the rights and feelings of others rather than to employ strict methods to control or change them. 

Teach us to find our recognition from You and to recognize that our best success comes from You. Help us to have compassion and patience with the imperfections and idiosyncrasies in others.

Thought for the Day:
The choleric rebels against God when they think He is trying to control them; however, submission to His will unlocks their potential for fully achieving their ultimate goals.



