Sunday, November 10, 2013

Surrender Brings Freedom


As we walk with the Lord, we learn to submit to His will for our life. We may not like some of the trials we encounter, but He goes through each one of them with us, because He lives within us (Colossians 1:27). As we surrender to His unique will for our life, He works out everything for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28). There is no secret formula for success. We simply yield our plans, goals and desires to God, and He leads us and puts His desires in our heart (Psalm 37:4).

When we succumb to Satan’s lies, we reject God’s truth and we end up stressed, anxious and alone. As we humble our pride in the presence of Christ in us, He exalts us in due season. Since He cares for us, He proves to us that if we surrender all of our anxiety and difficulty to Him, He brings us into the peace of His freedom (1 Peter 5:6-7). God is trustworthy; and as He demonstrates His love to us, we learn to have faith in His faithfulness (Deuteronomy 7:9).

Our surrender to Christ brings Him glory; because our human effort and strength is not potent enough to deliver us from all that life imposes on us. We leave our burdens at His feet through prayer, and then we stand back in faith and watch for the salvation of our God, who hears our prayers (Micah 7:7). Surrender turns our thoughts from centering on our self; then God makes us others-conscious and we prefer one another (Romans 12:10).

Even if abuse and violation pepper our past, which makes us think we have to control every aspect of our life now, our only hope of peace is to sacrifice our pain on God’s altar (1 Chronicles 21:24). Then we can totally surrender to the will of God, because the sacrifice, which Christ made for each of us on the cross, overshadows our pain and is ever fixed in the forefront of our mind. Each time we submit to the will of God, our fleshly nature dies a little more, and the peace of God reigns in our mind and heart (Colossians 3:15-17).

Father God, teach us that attempting to control our life actually makes us more vulnerable to attack from Satan and his cruel world (2 Corinthians 4:4). In our moments of extreme fear and hopelessness, You turn our tears of desperation into drops of healing for our soul. Help us to walk in the freedom of completely trusting You and bring us to the place where we feel Your love washing over us like a waterfall each moment of the day.

Thought for the Day:
Totally surrendering to the Lord prevents us from drowning in uncertainty, chaos and depression. – Psalm 13:3-6