Thursday, May 22, 2014

Our Focus during the Disheartening Uncertainty of Life

Life has a way of throwing at us some unexpected, and sometimes horrific circumstances. We go to the doctor and the last thing we expect to hear is cancer. We call our parents and we find out one of them does not have long to live. The school calls and our child never arrived from the bus. At times like these, we feel insecure and fearful. We find our self thrown off center by this confusion and the looming catastrophe.

Our normal peaceful existence spins out of control. Each compartment of our life, which we meticulously created to provide us with security and a safe haven, suddenly tilts out of control. We hectically, yet unsuccessfully, try to manage the disruptive people and events in our life in an attempt to make us feel safe again. But this never helps. In fact, it usually increases our anxiety, when these people react to the turmoil our panic creates in their lives.

The only true help for us comes when we fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). He spent considerable time each day in prayer (Mark 1:35). He did only what He saw our Father do (John 5:19). He lived in the moment and did not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:33-35). He made sure to center his goals on the will of God for His life. He walked in the Spirit. This is how we too withstand the disheartening uncertainty of life.
God already clothed us with garments of salvation and arrayed us in robes of righteousness, which are even finer than those worn at a wedding (Isaiah 61:10). He gave us the words of the prayer that never fails: "Father, not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42-43). When we surrender our will to His, then God can provide us with everything we need, even things we did not even realize that we wanted.

Father God, we are never comfortable when the fishbowl of our life gets turned upside down. We despise all of the demands and expectations other people have for us. We take one precarious step after another on the tightrope of life. Help us to focus on the equilibrium You give us to live each moment that we live, rather than focusing on the spinning details of our negative circumstances.

Thought for the Day:
When we trust God more and strive less, serenity seeps into every area of our life, no matter how the circumstances play out around us.