There are spiritual forces of darkness in this world,
which influence us every day (Ephesians 1:18-19). In these modern times, they are even able
to use multi-media, technology and college professors. People and life’s
circumstances are not really our problem. We are actually facing rulers,
authorities and powers of evil and darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Jesus gave us an example of
how to overcome with spiritual warfare.
When Satan came to tempt Jesus after 40 days and nights of
fasting and prayer in the wilderness, the prince of this world found nothing He
could use to tempt our Savior (John 14:30). Jesus had no connection to the things of this
world. Clothes, food, friends, family, housing, transportation and land were
the last things on Jesus’ mind (Matthew 8:20). His total focus lay in the spiritual, heavenly
Some people, who claim they are Christians, receive more
joy from earthly pleasures and conveniences than from spiritual endeavors. They
take pleasure in the fellowship of God’s people and the benefits their soul –
thoughts, choices and emotions – receives from church attendance. However, when
it comes to giving and sacrifice, they turn a deaf ear and only attend church
services one hour a week.
Jesus lived on this earth, but He dwelt in the Kingdom of
God. He calls us all to join Him in His Kingdom mindset and reality. He wants
us to place our affection on things above, not on things of this earth (Colossians 3:2). We
find our life and joy only in our Messiah, Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:3). When we do, Satan
has no power over us. His fiery darts find no mark in us, so they just bounce
right off (Ephesians
Father God, You teach us that gratification and
convenience are not worthwhile goals on our list of priorities. Neither are
items that money can buy. The only valuable focus in life is to follow after
You as our first love, and to seek to do Your perfect will. To do anything less
gives Satan a foothold into our life. Remind us to live soberly and to watch
out for the wiles of the prince of this world (1 Peter 5:8).
Thought for the Day:
Satan’s deception blinds our eyes to the authority and divinity
of Christ in us, who is our hope of a glorious eternity with God. – 2 Peter
1:4; Colossians 1:27