Friday, May 16, 2014

The Great Divide

There is a great divide between Believers and unbelievers. We all share the same world, but we do not enjoy the same language or activities. Some who claim to be Christians not only live in the world, but are an integral part of its culture, goals and behavior. They praise Lord Calvert instead of Lord Jesus, and their behavior mars the name and character of Christ.

Where the Spirit of God dwells, there is no room for continual, habitual sin. He transforms each individual who truly surrenders to God. He gives us Holy Spirit make-overs and we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). He leads us in the paths of righteousness for the sake of God’s name (Psalm 23:3). If God made no difference in your life, you are not Born Again.

I am not talking about a judgmental or “holier than thou” attitude. I am talking about not living like a hypocrite with one foot in the world and one foot in the church. Authentic, Born Again Believers have both feet firmly planted on the Rock of Christ. He makes a difference in us and we make a positive difference in the world around us.

That way, when our family and friends choose to reject us, we can be assured it is only because they feel the conviction of Christ in their life. They are puzzled and offended by the changes in our life, so they defend themselves and their behavior. The bright light of Christ in us irritates their choice to live in sin.

They attack us because they know in their heart that Jesus is the only way of salvation, and they are fighting God’s conviction of His truth. The Holy Spirit is working in their life, and we can pray that they will be humbled under the mighty hand of almighty God. This way, they too will enjoy His blessings, protection and provision just like we do.

Father God, we can revel in our relationship with You, not condemning others, but living in your peace before them. This way, they may see the difference, which You make in our life. You fill us with Your resurrection life. Though we are not perfect, the world around us cannot deny the change You make in our thoughts, actions and beliefs. We cling to, rely on and rest in You for our every need.

Thought for the Day:
Jesus took our shame and endured our pain to give us freedom in His life in us.