Saturday, May 3, 2014

Our Great I AM

Many believe that Jesus was a man, a good man, but human and temporarily influential in this world. Jesus had a higher opinion of Himself, however (John 8:23). He shared God’s glory and considered Himself equal with God (John 10:30; 1 John 2:23). Jesus told us that the He is the physical manifestation of God (John 14:9). Reminding us that He is not of this world, He also mentioned that He existed eternally (John 6:62, 17:5,16).

Our great I AM existed before Abraham (John 8:58). Jesus is Immanuel, the human manifestation of God (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23). He left behind His heavenly glory and came to earth as a humble servant (Philippians 2:6-8), giving His life to allow anyone humble enough to repent and believe, a way to enjoy eternal life (John 14:6). He also gave us His example. The least shall be the greatest; the servant shall be chief (Matthew 20: 26-28).

We live in peace with everyone (Romans 12:18), as far as it depends upon us, which includes forgiving them for any infractions they perpetrated on us. This way God can forgive us as well (Matthew 6:14-15). Living according to God’s standard for our life is the result of His Spirit conforming us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). His grace makes us who we are (1 Corinthians 15:10).

Jesus never attempted to live by cultural norms during His life. He knew the status quo was as far from the Kingdom of God as it could get. He had nothing nice to say to or about the religious leaders and He never conformed to their image for Him. He left us this example as please God rather than man (Matthew 23:33; Galatians 1:10). We abide as a living sacrifice and honor God (Romans 12:1).

Father God, thank You for becoming a man and dying in our place. Knowing that You are our great I AM gives us so much peace, joy and confidence to live life according to Your perfect will for each of us. Conform us to the image of Your Son. Help us to follow Jesus’ example and to please You rather than people.

Thought for the Day:
Follow God’s will with total abandon.