Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spiritual Power and Authority

The fruit of God’s Spirit in one’s life is the true indication of Salvation. We may have the outward manifestations of a religious life, but until Christ lives within us, nothing we do or do not do matters in eternity. Putting Jesus as our first priority and loving Him with all of our heart, guarantees that the Trinity will abide within us (John 14:21).

The Holy Spirit brings power with when He moves in, so we can do the works, which Jesus did. With the power of the Godhead resident within us, it is easy to put God’s Kingdom first in our life. So many people are helped and healed at our local expressions of Christ’s church, because we follow God’s mandate to pray for the sick in the powerful name of Jesus (James 5:14).

Christ gave Himself to us completely for the sake of the Father. His Kingdom comes into our life, so that in return, we too can function as a living sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1-2). Christ becomes our whole life (Colossians 3:4). He lives in us, and we live by the faith of the Son of God, who loves us and gave Himself for us (Galatians 2:20).

Each new trial is actually a miracle waiting to happen. Even bad circumstances work out for our good. This realization allows us to walk in perfect peace and faith in God’s purpose for everything that occurs in our life. As we allow God’s Spirit to crucify our flesh, then the Son of God can live in and through us in all of His power and majesty.

After the Great Tribulation, Jesus will dominate every dominion, authority and power in Heaven and on earth. Then, He will give the Kingdom back to our Father (1 Corinthians 15:24). There is nothing we have in our life more precious than this power and authority, which Christ won for us on Calvary’s cross (Colossians 1:27; Ephesians 2:20).

Father God, You live IN us; therefore, You can never be distant or far away from us. We are the ones, which withdraw from You by distancing our focus and thoughts from You and putting them on worldly pursuits instead. Over the years of walking with You, I discovered that You do not always speak. Most of the time, You simply enjoy hanging out with us in companionable silence...loving on us from the inside out! 

Thought for the Day:
When we turn everything over to the Lordship of Christ in God, we learn to trust God completely and to have faith in His faithfulness.
