Sunday, April 15, 2018

A Good Marriage - Appreciation and Affirmation

animal, beautiful, bird

Life is often exhausting and depletes our supply of energy before we realize it. We are so busy with vocation, church, family, housework, friends, etc. that we actually neglect our self.

Our physical and emotional tanks run on empty. If we take the time for daily devotions, and if we pray without ceasing, we can often avoid burnout. Our spirit carries us through the rough roads.

However, if we also neglect our spiritual walk, there is no other outcome - we will eventually crash and burn. We may end up with an illness that forces us to rest in the goodness of the Lord, or a relational issues that cause us to cling closer to Jesus within us.

As a couple, we carry one another's burdens, we partner with each other and lift up our loads together, until we gain a reprieve from our burdens (Galatians 6:2). We accept each other with all of our flaws and inadequacies.

We can make a daily list of the kindnesses, helpfulness and blessings that our mate provides for us on a daily basis. We serve each other; and we give from what the Lord give us, rather than taking or expecting to receive for our self.

This helps us to appreciate one another and to show gratitude. I purchased a small, chubby notebook and started writing down all of the kind things my husband said to me, as well as the thoughtful ways that his words and behavior supported me each day.

I reread the notebook often to remind myself about just how blessed I am to have him as my mate. This causes me to focus on his positive traits rather than to grumble about what I sometimes view as his inadequacies.

Thanking each other for the thoughtful gestures and acts of service, no matter how small or inconsequential they may seem, also encourages each of us to repeat the behaviors that elicited these accolades.

Father God, help us to appreciate one another, rather than to focus on each other's faults. Remind us to verbally affirm one another and to build each other up, rather than to tear our mate down with our words and actions. If our mate does not think it is important to build us up, help us to forgive him/her and to bless them anyway.

Remind us to value each other and to love one another just as we are. Help us to see the amazing person that You brought into our life, and to give You the praise and glory for how their strengths really do make up for our weaknesses. This way we are able to experience the joy of cherishing and appreciating each other, and to communicate those feelings, rather than to minimize and belittle one another.

Thought for the Day:
After I record the blessings from my spouse in my "chubby book", I email him, write him a note, or talk to him about how he blessed me; if he is available, I also immediately thank him for his words and/or actions because gratitude always reaps rewards.