Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Turning Hopelessness into Faith

bloom, blossom, colorful

There are people in the religious world with hyper-"faith" who see a demon behind every negative incident in their life, and who believe they deserve perfect health, wealth and success.

Many of them are proud and arrogant and give condescending advice to those of us who live in the "real" world. These misguided individuals are thrown for a loop when their prayers do not bear the desired results.

They spend most of their prayer time quoting scripture at God, and demanding that He fulfill their expectations, because of the promises contained in the Biblical verses.

As human beings, the details of our life shape our life's story. We focus on what we perceive as our treasure (Matthew 6:21). The desire for possessions, financial progress and popularity often drive our goals and ambition. 

The more clutter that we add to our home, our schedule and our mind, the more hindered we are to follow hard after God. Sitting down with a journal and emptying our self of all of this internal and external clutter hampering our life will give us a freedom that is rare in the hectic world in which we live.

God gives us his understanding, wisdom and guidance to help us to surrender every area of our life to Him. He frees us from the encumbrances of clutter, turns our hopelessness into faith, protects us from Satan's snares, and leads us in His everlasting way.

If we build our life on Christ in us and live according to God's precepts, we find a deeper fulfilment, peace and true joy than anything available to us on this planet apart from God (John 14:27).

As we walk in the Spirit, we release our cares, stress and anxiety to our Father who cares for us (1 Peter 5:7-9). His peace guards our heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). We immerse every decision in prayer and make all of our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6).

Father God, teach us to surrender everything in our life to You. Help us to experience Your presence in us and in our circumstances. You never, ever leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). We trust You to open doors that no one can close; and to shut doors that will lead us away from Your will for our life.

Thank You for Your forgiveness of our transgressions. Help us not to succumb to fear and worry, but to maintain our faith in Your faithfulness. We believe in You, trust in You and rely on You even for the very air we breathe. We praise You for turning our sadness into joy and our stress into Your peace.

Thought for the Day:
No matter where we are, what we are doing, or what is required of us, God is always there with us as our Father and Friend, while He turns our hopelessness into faith and shines His light in our pit of despair.