Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Lord is My Shepherd

Green Leafed Tree Besides Body of Water during Daytime

When we suffer some lack in our life, we tend to give in to anxiety, depression, martyrdom, and hopelessness. We forget to go to God's Word for our liberation, security, joy and peace.
When I have a hard time winding down at night, I usually quote Psalm 23 in its entirety. Every word, phrase and sentence in this Psalm is so meaningful, comforting, enlightening and inspiring.

However, I rarely get through the entire Psalm before I am sound asleep. Speaking, or even just thinking the Word of God has a calming and assuring effect on our mind, emotions and spirit.

Scripture connects us with Christ in us in a very real and positive way. We learn so much about the Lord through His Word: how He treats and reacts to Saints of old, and how His promises bear fruit in our life as well.

When you get some time, turn to the Gospels and take a look at the life of Christ on this earth - amazing. He advises us to seek first His Kingdom; and He promised that as we do, He would meet all of our needs (Matthew 6:33).

Among many other actions, He gives bread to the hungry, searches for the lost, has compassion on the unemployed, cares for widows and orphans, loves His sheep who know His voice, and welcomes home His prodigal children.

As we desire intimacy with the Lord and seek after it, we will dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our life. There we will behold the beauty of the Lord and visit with Him in His temple (Psalm 27:4).

In any day of trouble, He hides us in His Tabernacle - in His secret place. He puts our feet on the Rock during stormy times, and we shout for joy and praise His name (Psalm 27:5-6).

Father God, against those who lie about us, You defend us; so that we remain confident in spite of their malicious accusations. Teach us Your ways, and lead us in Your straight paths so that we can avoid our oppressors.

Thank You for hearing our voice when we call to You. We seek Your face, and You never hide from us or turn away from us in anger. You are our constant Helper. When others reject us, or if we suffer deprivation at their hands, You always receive us and abundantly bless us (Psalm 27:7-13).

Thought for the Day:
We see the goodness of the Lord on this earth, and this causes us to be strong, to take heart and to wait on Him for His direction and comfort for each day of our life. - Psalm 27:14