Sunday, April 8, 2018

Trusting in an Unseen God

animal, bright, bunny

Many human beings have a need to understand God, before they agree to believe in Him. They have such a strong compulsion to control their own life and everything that happens in it, that they dare not rely on anyone but their own self.

They use human wisdom for all of their decisions, and they collect friends around them that agree with then. They feel safe somehow in trusting exclusively in what they can prove. They believe only in what makes sense to their human mind.

Added to our human reasoning is Satan’s perfected art of deception. He often draws us away from following after God by his fraudulent schemes and bold-faced lies.

Add to this our own lusts and the powerful temptations inherent in living life in the world, and it is amazing that anyone ever actually chooses to surrender their life completely to God.

A few wise individuals eventually learn that there is no use in trusting in our own efforts. Once this truth seeps into our consciousness, we start drawing near to God, resisting the devil and watching his back as he flees from us (James 4:7).

Our sin-nature doomed us to failure since birth; but Jesus Christ set us free from sin and death by His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension (Romans 8:2). God's Spirit enables us to shun evil and to honor God with all of our thoughts, words and actions.

The Bible is the Word of God and by reading it, we learn about Him, His ways, and the full extent of His love for us. We read about other Saints and how they honored God with their lives

As I see it, the greatest value of me posting on this blog is that I am able to share with others the values and lessons that God teaches me. I am also able to toot God's horn for his continual loving blessings for us all, even when we were lost in sin (Romans 5:8).

Father God, You reward our faith with health and abundance in every area of our life. We learn to trust in You with all of our heart, rather than relying on our own strength and understanding (Proverbs 3:5-7).

As we seek Your will for every minute of every day, You remove the ruts and bumps in our road (Proverbs 3:8). When You teach us Your wisdom and ways, we eventually learn to give You every fear and insecurity that plague our life, because we come to understand that You really do care about us (1 Peter 5:7).

Thought for the Day:
Only the Spirit of God can break down our walls of fear and mistrust, and allow us to fully embrace a relationship that starts with our total submission to God through the work of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross.