Saturday, April 7, 2018

Melancholy Personality - Utilizing our Strengths for God's Glory

Red Leaf Trees Near the Road

I love to use information about the personalities that make up our human character to help us to better understand our self. I am not an expert, but I have lived with my melancholy personality for over 65 years.

In spite of a melancholy's faults, we have some strengths as well. We may lack confidence and obsess about our weaknesses, but as authentic Christians we easily put our trust in the Lord.

As a hard-working, detailed person, we use our analytical tendencies to foresee possible problems and dangers in our decisions, and we seek God on how to avoid them.

We are strongly opinionated and feel another person's distress very deeply. These characteristics help us to counsel others and to work dedicatedly at causes that peek our interest and in which we feel God leading us to participate.

We are overly sensitive and often misread a person's motives and intentions. We tend to hold grudges and not to consider all of the facts prior to making our snap judgments.

Therefore, we have to trust Christ in us to help us to forgive offenders and to give us wisdom, discernment and level-headed thinking to respond caringly to anyone in need.

Delving deeply into the ramifications of our behavior, we tend to overthink our options; but due to this penchant, we rarely make lasting mistakes. We budget our income and we love to save money and spend frugally.

Father God, as a melancholy person, we battle a tendency toward depression, grouchiness, hurt feelings, pessimism, blowing things out of proportion, and intense grief over loss. As we change our focus from the momentary to the blessings You bestow on us each moment of our day, we tend to win the battle over these negative emotions.

Self-motivated and responsible, we are created by You to be trusted to start and finish a project in record time, especially when we consult with You about the issues we encounter. Learning about our strengths and weaknesses enables us to be even more efficient in our daily lives, and we look to You for Your wisdom and power in all things.

Thought for the Day:
As melancholy people, we tend to lack energy and initiative, we are drained by crowds of people, and we need peace and quiet in our life in order to function to the best of our ability; however, with Christ in us, we can operate to the maximum capacity of His Spirit within us and His anointing on us each moment of the day, regardless of our circumstances.