Thursday, July 8, 2021

Living Stones for God’s House


Gray and Black Rock Formation


An opal stone comes in a variety of hues - black, white, orange, navy and green to name a few. Although their color may vary, they are all shot through with iridescent swirls that attract attention and mesmerize gem lovers like me. 


My favorite aspect about them is that opals are considered by jewelers as living stones. We too are living stones, built into a spiritual house by God (1 Peter 2:5). Light deflecting through opals hits hard, transparent silica spheres, producing the luminous rainbow colors. God’s light shines through us as well.


Opals are not found in large veins like many precious stones but scattered over a large area of miles in each direction. Most are nestled in the clefts of the rocks. God scatters His Saints throughout the earth to live as testimonies to His reality and blessings in a converted life, but He also protects us in the cleft of the Rock of Christ.


Opals must be protected from heat and detergents that "dry" the gem. Jewelers encourage opal owners to soak this brilliant stone in mineral oil to retain its sparkle. We too need frequent time to soak in God’s Spirit to keep us vibrant and useful for His service.


Our peculiarities in our carnal nature make us uniquely human for God to use for His glory. God promises that, if we allow His holy light to shine through us daily, He will prevent our life’s circumstances from wavering to extremes of hot or cold, so that we will never crack, but continue to sparkle for His glory (John 16:33).



Father God, You make us flourish in our spirit, which sanctifies our soul and heals our flesh. Even with repeated health issues, You give us the wisdom and courage to detox our life, including not eating processed foods, sugar, gluten, dairy and other elements that we are allergic to without knowing it unless You teach us by Your Spirit or through functional medical doctors.


Help us to remember to drink daily from Your Word and to remain hidden in the cleft of Your Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. Immerse us in Your Spirit, so that Your light in us shines so brightly that men will see our good works and glorify You (Matthew 5:16). We want to praise and honor You with our thoughts, words, and deeds. We pour out praises of thanksgiving to You each moment of our day, and we give you all the glory and honor for Your marvelous works on our behalf.


Thought for the Day:

We do not discriminate in the fellowship of the church, but we include every race, nationality, dialect, and personality; however, we do insist on members adhering to the primary principles of the scripture and living according to its dictates rather than the liberal, all-inclusive attitude of the world today; everyone is welcome to attend, but God only offers membership in His family to adherents of Biblical Truth who are living stones.

- John 3:16-18