Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Rich Treasury of God’s Glory


Shallow Focus Photo of Red Flowers


Out of the riches of His glory, God allows us to be strengthened and reinforced in our soul and spirit for our work in our service to Him (Ephesians 6:16, Amplified Bible). Through our faith in Him, Christ abides in our heart, and we are deeply rooted and standing firmly and securely on His love for us (Ephesians 6:17, Amplified Bible).


His intimate presence fills and floods our entire being with the power and strength to understand with all the Saints, the breadth, length, height, and depth of His love for us. His nurture and provision far exceed anything available to us in this finite world. We experience the richest measure of God within us (Ephesians 6:18-19, Amplified Bible).


This is the hope and goal of our calling in Christ: to be filled through our entire body, soul and spirit with all the fullness of God. Immersed in His presence within and surrounding us, we perfect the reality of living in complete serenity. This entices us to simplify our life, to live frugally, and to make God’s Kingdom the reason for all our efforts in this life.


God works through every surrendered Saint as we abide in His presence. We remove anything in our life that is not absolutely relevant to promoting God’s Kingdom, which allows us to live unencumbered by the cares of this world. 


We learn to resist the draw of materialism in order to remain uncluttered by this world’s goods. This allows us to walk in total peace and joy by God’s Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:15-25). The distractions of life on this planet no longer pressure us or monopolize our attention.


We are no longer pulled in a multitude of different directions, so we can focus on God’s perfect plans for each moment of our day. When we feel God’s peace leave us, we can stop, slip into a quiet place, and focus our attention on our spirit, body, soul until He reveals to us how to regain our footing on His protective straight and narrow road.



Father God, thank You for having a perfect plan for our life before You ever formed us in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:13-16). Teach us that only our totally Spirit-led thoughts, when acted upon, will bear any fruit for Your kingdom. When we sit quietly in Your presence, we allow You to conform us from the inside out.


Remind us to rid our soul of distracting inner clutter, as well as cleaning our home and office of all unnecessary physical clutter. We make more room for You by simplifying our life and having a garage sale to empty our surroundings of distractions and encumbrances that would keep us from serving You with our whole heart, soul, strength, and body (Mark 12:30).


Thought for the Day:

God’s still, small voice cannot compete with the distorted distractions and overpowering clutter of an unsubmitted life, and we miss out on fulfilling divine appointments that God has planned for us; only our thoughts, words, and actions that are completely inspired by God will give us lasting treasures to enjoy throughout eternity.